Mickoski: “April 27” is a politically motivated case, see who formed the government after that


That day and the weeks before, the people self-organized and protested, and when I could, I attended those protests as well, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said after the hearing in the “April 27” case, where he was called to testify.
Mickoski told the reporters that he supported the protests against the announced wrong policies.

“I believe that that way it is a democratic right of every citizen in a democratic state to express revolt against certain politically deviant behaviors of certain political structures and political parties, in this case it was SDSM and everything that SDSM announced at that time if it was a party which will form the government,” said Mickoski.
At that time, reminded the VMRO-DPMNE leader, he held the state position as General Manager of AD Elektrani na Makedonija, he also was an advisor to the Prime Minister and a member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE. Hence, it is normal for a man from the city who knows many people, even public figures with conservative right-wing views, to have contacts with like-minded people.

“Neither the Executive Committee nor any member of VMRO-DPMNE is part of the organization of this self-organization of the people that took place in that period. This is obviously a serious and fiercely staged political process. A political process that has the sole purpose of harming VMRO-DPMNE, a political process that aims to carry out political terror against the activists and members of VMRO-DPMNE and a political process from which someone profited and someone seriously lost. I believe that after April 27, VMRO-DPMNE seriously lost and immediately after those events, SDSM and Zoran Zaev formed a government. Maybe that answer to this question will help you to investigate and initiate who designed it all, who implemented it and why it happened. By no means can the one who lost from that process be an inspirer, a screenwriter or to conduct it. I would rather focus on who profited and who benefited from it all. Unfortunately, on the backs of the citizens and on the backs of democracy in our country. After that day, nothing is the same,” Mickoski said.

Mickoski said that he was not on bad terms with any of those present in the courtroom, and that he had met with Gruevski, the then president of VMRO-DPMNE, at a session of the EC and had no other contacts with him that day.

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