VMRO belongs to every Macedonian, says Mickoski


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski congratulated citizens on the occasion of October 23 – Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle.

“October 23 is the Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle, which marks the beginning of one of the most dramatic struggles for freedom waged in these parts of Europe. October 23 is also the beginning of the organization that was formed in Thessaloniki and has been the pivot of Macedonia for 130 years. And this organization belongs to us, as much as to each and every Macedonian. And really, I see with a heavy heart when a Macedonian historical drama like this, of which almost every neighbor wants to grab a piece, is marked with such reserve on this day by the official authorities. And this is not about any great forethought or strategy, but a small-mindedness that does not allow them to see that VMRO belongs to every Macedonian,” said Mickoski.


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