Osmani-Szijjártó: We have a common obligation to overcome the challenges and offer solutions


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani welcomed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó on a one-day working visit to the country.

On this occasion, Osmani welcomed the success of the Slovenian Presidency in securing a consensus on the Commission Reports on the Western Balkans, as well as on the European Union conclusions on the region, which is an argument that despite the great challenges we face, the European Union remains present and dedicated to the Western Balkans.

“However, this partial success of the Slovenian presidency, at least here, has cast a deep shadow over the Union’s failure to secure a consensus in operationalizing its own decision from March last year to start negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. We are aware that the decisions of the Council of the EU are made by consensus, but less and less the citizens of our countries have an understanding of how and with what arguments this privilege is used by some member states. It is undeniable that confidence in the enlargement process is at an all-time low, which jeopardizes the credibility of the Union as a whole and creates new crises throughout the region. But our obligation is not to look at disappointments with failures, but to follow the challenges and offer solutions. We remain committed to the process of integration into the European Union, which is our strategic interest and I can assure you that we continue to work with our neighbors at an unabated pace. We have gone too far in this process to give up, but honestly, I hope that with the new political set, we are starting a new visionary process of trust between the two countries,” Osmani said.

Minister Szijjártó reaffirmed Hungary’s support with efforts to continue it with undiminished intensity in the future. The two ministers concluded that the integration of the Western Balkans is a geostrategic interest of the European Union, which contributes to the security and prosperity of the entire continent and the prevention of inappropriate influences and interests from other countries.



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