Kovachevski should resign, he and the EU are as far apart as winter and summer, demands VMRO-DPMNE


Kovachevski should resign, he and the EU are as far apart as winter and summer. The EU does not work with a criminal government, where the tenders and personal business interests of individual powerful people come before the good of the citizens and the state, says VMRO-DPMNE.

“While Kovachevski is talking about the EU, his wife and best man are expanding their photovoltaic business, buying land for cheap, and his coalition partner Grubi is getting luxury vehicles to be used by friends as if they were bicycles. Kovachevski is far from the EU, why while he works for a narrow clique of people around him, in the EU they work for the people. Kovachevski does not have the capacity to lead Macedonia towards the EU,” the largest opposition party added.


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