Adio Kovachevski, never again, Talat Xhaferi is the one who will turn off the light of the SDS/DUI government


Adio Kovachevski, Macedonia will never again be led by Kovachevski or incompetent staffing like him, who stuck the country, brought poverty and crime, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release ahead of Kovachevski’s resignation set on Thursday.

“Kovachevski brought humiliations. Over 600,000 poor citizens who live on 150 denars a day. A disorder reflected in constant shootings, murders and robberies that remained unsolved. With Kovacevski in the 21st century, students waited for textbooks in December, instead of September, and the sick waited months, and some even years, for therapy. One kilometer of highway has not been built, not a single infrastructure project has started. Kovachevski will be remembered as completely incompetent. With Kovachevski and the team around him, Macedonia has never been further from the EU, trust in the judiciary is 2%, and partisanship is metastasizing,” said the opposition party.


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