Mickoski: These are not elections to choose between Europe and isolation, this Government for these six and a half years has distanced Macedonia from the EU with its harmful policies


For six and a half years they have been selling this colorful lie, they have signed everything that was put on the table. Not only did they not protect the national and state interest, but they further damaged it and made it difficult for the generations to come, so now we will have to remove it, they violated all the negotiating positions of Macedonia and for that they got nothing. Even this last one that was signed and called the so-called French proposal is a lie and a big lie that it is practically a membership agreement for the EU. This is an agreement that will further open the process of additional conditions and will make the road itself impossible for Macedonia and the Macedonian citizens,said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked to comment on Kovachevski’s recent statements where he says that the choice in these elections will be the EU or isolation.
Mickoski added that these six and a half years not only did this Government not bring Macedonia closer to Europe, but they pushed the country further away.
The opposition leader pointed out that these elections are not a choice between Europe and isolation. These elections are a decision of the citizens in Macedonia between Ali Ahmeti, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani, Zechevikj, Marichikj, Pendarovski and Kovachevski on one side and VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition on the other. The citizens must clearly know that this is a decision election in which the group of Ali Ahmeti, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani, Zechevikj, Marichikj, Pendarovski and Kovachevski will be chosen on one side and VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition on the other side. Any other third option or sitting at home is a direct vote for the first group, which is Ali Ahmeti, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani, Zechevikj, Marichikj, Pendarovski and Kovachevski.

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