Instead of downsizing institutions, DUI and SDSM are filling them with party henchmen


According to the Integrated Plan adopted by the Government, there should be 96 organs of state administration, and the Government itself has determined a target of a maximum of 110 organs. On the contrary, new laws are being proposed for the establishment of new institutions, which would bring us closer to the number of 150 institutions, said the additional deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, Stefan Andonovski, in an interview with TV 21’s “Click Plus” program.

Andonovski commented on employment in the public sector before the elections.

“Until a year or two ago, there were four employees at the ETU center in Tetovo, then job advertisements were published for five more and now there are nine employees. According to the data from the system in March 2024 they served only 1 client. For these single-digit services, the state spent thousands of euros on salaries and electricity,” Andonovski pointed out.


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