Sunday, May 5, 2024
Head Prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski says that the PPO is still collecting information in the case of the death of six year old Jana who died last week after possible medical malpractice. Protesters gathered in Bitola and Skopje yesterday to demand accountability. Joveski said that Bitola prosecutors are gathering evidence to...
The procedure opened by the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption for the selection of the supervision for the construction of the highways from corridors 8 and 10-e is in the preliminary investigation phase, announced the head Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski on Thursday. “Because of this, that...
As of Thursday midnight, the Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services Macedonia passed a Decision increasing the retail prices of petroleum products by an average of 0.59 percent compared to the decision of March 27, 2023. As of 31.3.2023, the maximum prices of petroleum products will be: Motor gasoline EUROSUPER...
The health unions that met a few hours before the announced protest in front of the Ministry of Health, have reached an agreement. “We made a deal. Three thousand denars for all nurses and two thousand denars for all the rest of the auxiliary technical staff, administration, doctors, all employees...
The Commission for Determining Disciplinary Responsibility at the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of North Macedonia determined that the former basic public prosecutor of the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption Vilma Ruskovska is responsible for a serious disciplinary violation and decided to submit a...
VMRO-DPMNE MP Dragan Kovachki told Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski from the Parliament rostrum that he should dismiss the Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska, because she has been on sedatives for a long time and is not capable of doing her job. "Her hands are shaking, she can't hold her train...
The last criminal complaint regarding these false reports of bombs in schools was filed on March 22, 2023, against a minor, indicated the Macedonian Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski and stressed that several people were suspected in participating in the false bomb reports. "By undertaking a series of activities within...
Has no deadlines for implementing the requirements in the French proposal, which was a condition for the European Union to give us the green light for the screening process, which will last until the end of this year, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Nikolay Milkov in...
The former President of the Republic of Macedonia (2009-2109), Gjorge Ivanov, attended the general audience of Pope Francis, which was held at St. Peter in the Vatican on Wednesday. The reason for the visit to the Vatican and the presence of the audience is the presentation of the award "Moral...
President Stevo Pendarovski said that the Government should not hurry with the adoption of the new Law on Games of Chance and informs that in the coming days there should be a meeting with the people who are part of the industry. “We need a debate on that issue and...