Saturday, September 7, 2024
Representatives of the Independent Trade Union of Truck Transporters of Macedonia - NSKTM MAKAMTRANS and the Independent Trade Union of Civil Engineers and Traders - NS GRITG demanded a reduction of the price of electricity by 50 percent and other utilities. “We reiterate the request for reduction of the price...
The economy is in a catastrophic state due to the incompetence of the government and instead of growth, the economy is only declining, member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska told TV Sitel on Thursday. Dimitrieska-Kochoska clarified that there is a seriously difficult situation in the budget and that...
 In an interview with “Utrinski brifing”, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev referred to a recent visit to Spain, where he met with the Spanish Prime Minister. “Pedro Sanchez, who’s a good friend of mine, told me ‘Zoran, we received 142 billion from the recovery plan of Europe. 45% will go to...
The latest May data also show an increase in prices, and thus an increase in the cost of living. The National Bank has already increased the inflation projection this year - to 2.2 percent. Edible oil prices continue to rise. After March, and in April, the statistics registered an increase...
Macedonian millers are facing a blockade on the Kosovo side of the border, and say they have not been able to export for 25 days because Kosovo returns their trucks with flour on the pretext that the level of iron and folic acid in it is below the prescribed...
VMRO-DPMNE MP Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview on TV21 said that economically, Macedonia is entering a recession. He mentioned that inflation is expected to continue to rise, and food, electricity and oil prices to rise even more. "Macedonia is entering inflation. These are official data from the National Bank, which...
"Macedonia is sinking in terms of economy with Zaev's government, among other things," the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party said in a statement. Apart from the fact that more than 6,200 companies were closed in one year and almost 60,000 people were newly unemployed, due to their incompetence, crimes and irresponsible spending...
Today we are here in the municipality of Mogila, we will make visits in the municipality of Novaci, and we mainly talk about the needs and problems that the population feels as most current in this period, and they are related to infrastructure, which is important and needed in...
Health Minister Venko Filipche disappointed healthcare workers yet again in terms of increasing their salaries by 5%. According to the information from healthcare workers at the health institutions, this month they have not received an increased salary as promised Health Minister Venko Filipche. Healthcare workers did not receive the March salary...
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is rebranding itself as an "Association with the same purpose" in order to make more efficient and visible engagements for the membership and the workers, informs the union. As it is stated in the announcement, the new and rebranded activity of SSM is...