Friday, July 26, 2024
Deputy Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska-Kocoska of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE said that a letter in which she proposed a budget review was submitted on March 24 and that there were no details about the review announced by Minister Nina Angelovska, in terms of details of calculations and projections. "On March 24,...
Аccording to the assessment of the managers of business entities, the indicator of confidence in the processing industry in March compared to February this year decreased by 0.5 percentage points and amounted to 13.3, and compared to March last year decreased by 1.2 percentage points, informed the State Statistical...
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) is set to pass Thursday a final decision on the electricity price that will be valid as of January 1. At Wednesday’s preparatory session, the extraordinary mechanisms that the ERC will activate for the first time in a crisis situation were presented. The written remarks...
Macedonia's debt is 60.7 percent, which means that according to the Maastricht standards, those in the European Union that the authorities want to refer to so much are a highly indebted country. This means more difficult to secure loans, i.e. securing loans with much higher interest rates. This way of...
So far, the energy crisis does not cost, ie until the latest date 113 million euros and these are data from open finances of the Ministry of Finance. These are transfers from the Government from the central budget to ESM ", said Maja Kadievska, member of the VMRO-DPMNE EC...
The average monthly net salary paid per employee in February 2021 was 2.7 percent higher than in February 2020, as a result of rises given to people in IT and communications (10.1%), other services (8.2%), and mining and quarrying (7.5%), according to latest figures released by the State Statistical...
On the threshold of another tobacco buying season, it is crucial for producers at which price “the scales will weigh”. They and the purchasing companies (there are about 10 in the country) are in an eternal struggle for purchasing prices, especially now, in a situation of inflation, expensive production...
Over 400.000 citizens, pensioners, pupils, students, single parents will be included in the anti-crisis measures expected to be adopted Tuesday at a government session, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, at a press conference Monday. Asked how many companies would have their accounts blocked due...
Before the start of the heating season, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) will decide on the price at which the residents of Skopje will pay for heat energy. The submitted requests for the price of thermal energy are extremely complex because it is a year in which there was a...
The Agency for Tourism Promotion has asked the Commission for Infectious Diseases and the Health Minister to draft special protocols to allow ski resorts in the country to reopen. Also, all tourism chambers of commerce, associations and organizations will propose additional measures so as to cushion the blow from the...