Sunday, June 2, 2024
In the first quarter, through the Public Revenue Office (PRO), a total of 491.5 million denars or 8 million euros were paid to the citizens' accounts, on the basis of VAT refund from scanning fiscal receipts through the "My VAT" application. The PRO informs that funds are paid to those...
The worst winter after World War II is at hand. We are currently doing our best to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity and to provide all the raw materials for electricity production. All neighboring countries are doing the same, which means that such a mass purchase of raw...
The tariff system for payment of consumed electricity to households in the country will be changed, said the President of the Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services Marko Bislimovski at today's press conference. Bislimoski announced in detail the changes in the tariff system for payment of electricity consumed...
The latest projections of the National Bank point to an average inflation of 8.8 percent in 2022 and gradual stabilization by the end of the year. The uncertainty regarding the future price movements is extremely high, and according to the projections of the international financial institutions, the pressures will...
The executive director of the Bulgarian state-owned company Bulgargransgaz Vladimir Malinov told BNT that although Russia had cut off natural gas supplies to Bulgaria, they would not stop the transit of Russian gas to Macedonia, Greece and Serbia. According to Malinov, Bulgaria has already started negotiations with Turkey to provide...
The announcement of the inflation rate of 10.5% on an annual basis confirmed the fears that inflation had spiraled out of control. "The slow reaction of the economic policy makers, the insufficient vigilance of this Government that it should deal with the challenge of the energy crisis and the increase...
At Friday's new negotiating meeting between the Independent Trade Union for Education, Science and Culture (SONK) and the Ministry of Education and Science, no new percentage will be offered for higher salaries in education. The topic of the negotiations will be the collective agreements for primary and secondary education,...
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) reacted sharply to the Ministry of Economy over the changing the law that will allow retail businesses to operate on Sundays. "The Ministry of Economy has already allowed employers to work on their own on Sundays in tourist and retail trade and...
Over 2.5 billion euros a year flow through informal channels - money that ends up in private pockets instead of gross domestic product. The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Finance Think measured that the green economy in 2020 will account for 23.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product. According...
This year, an unnecessary import of 30 million euros of electricity was made, which was paid by companies and municipalities as subsidized by the state, instead of them buying it on the free market where it is more expensive, said the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission Marko Bislimoskiin...