Monday, September 16, 2024
Ambassadors of the EU member states will review the accession negotiations of Albania and North Macedonia. According to diplomatic sources quoted by Politico, Bulgaria is expected to say "no" to the start of the first intergovernmental conference with North Macedonia, which is the first step back on the road, writes...
After the report of the European Commission on the country's progress on the path to the EU was published yesterday, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and EnlargementOlivér Várhelyi came to an official visit to Skopje on Wednesday. Várhelyi asked Macedonia to continue strengthening the reform results, primarily on the ground in...
Macedonia is joining the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the Greek port city of Alexandropoulos. Having secured the support of the United States, North Macedonia’s strategic partner and NATO ally, the country in the period to come will launch several projects of significance for both the...
The Bulgarian Parliament has adopted a decision according to which May 24 will be celebrated as the Day of Bulgarian Literacy, but it is also announced that a process will be launched before the European Union for the recognition of the Cyrillic alphabet as the Bulgarian alphabet. Bulgaria’s Foreign...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski had a farewell meeting with French Ambassador Christian Thimonier. Mickoski and Thimonier discussed the political situation in Macedonia, during which the opposition leader said that the country is in a dire state with the decline in the economy and the rampant high-level corruption. Mickoski said that...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama posted a photo on Facebook of the Krivoshijska River on Shar Mountain and the area known as Leshnica, writing that it represents the beautiful Albania. "Beautiful Albania. Leshnica Canyon", Rama wrote next to the photo of the waterfalls on the Leshnica River on Shar Mountain. The...
Bulgaria will not veto and block the first intergovernmental conference of North Macedonia with the EU, former Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev has said commenting recent remarks by Defence Minister Krasimir Karakachanov and MEP Andrey Kovatchev. “I don’t think it will happen. Bulgaria has always supported  Macedonia on its road to...
Dr. Zan Mitrev said his son Filan, who was charged with terrorism in a Frankfurt court, had lived in Germany and had had no contact with him in recent years. Dr. Mitrev believes that his son Filan chose the wrong path and he should be held responsible for it. "While...
Greece’s attempt to double its territorial waters in the Ionian Sea from 6 to 12 nautical mileswould be considered a "cause for war" for Turkey, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. The two neighboring NATO members have been arguing in recent days over Turkey's plans to explore the Eastern Mediterranean,...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday ordered another ancient Orthodox church that became a mosque and then a popular Istanbul museum to be turned back into a mosque. The decision to transform the Kariye Museum into a mosque came just a month after a similarly controversial conversion for the...