Friday, July 26, 2024
The website has analyzed how much money the country has borrowed in the past five years. The data is disappointing for this past crisis period, when it was more important where to find money than how much the country will spend. Thus, in the 2018-2022 period, according to...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski regarding the attraction of foreign investments, emphasized that the very fact that in 2016 Macedonia was on the third place from the top 50 countries in attracting foreign investments, and now we are not even on the list, speaks how this government handles the economy...
Macedonia and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed on Monday an agreement worth another EUR 100 million as support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The agreement with the EIB was signed by Finance Minister FatmirBesimi, LilyanaPavlova, EIB Vice-President responsible for the Western Balkans, KireNaumov, CEO of the Development Bank...
The Government published Thursday evening a list of companies that have received state aid for minimum salary due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but failed to pay workers. Unofficially, in order not to be publically shamed, many of the employers rushed to pay the minimum wage on Thursday. As never before, experts...
Three-quarters of employees and companies in the country are affected by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, according to a survey by Finance Think published in the journal Quality of Life 3: “The economic effects of the corona-crisis“. Survey data show that a high 75.9 percent of respondents said...
Under the revised budget, adopted by the government at Thursday’s session, total expenditures stand at EUR 3.95 billion and it is increased by 1.4 percent compared to the original 2020 budget, Finance Minister Nina Angelovska said at today’s press conference. According to the amendments to Macedonia’s 2020 budget, revenues are...
The State Audit Office informed that the state transferred around 530 million euros to cover the pension gap in 2022. If we take into account the completed account for 2022, according to which the total expenditures in the Budget were 4.5 billion euros, then it is shown that about...
It is useless to hold elections when instead of saving the economy, the rich mafia #OLIGARCHY will rule again. While you're looking forward to a denar or two, following protocols and struggling to earn a living, millionaires are already planning the #TENDERS they'll win after July 15th. #DomaSiEDoma, wrote...
Without reduced VAT, EVN Home will have to deliver the July bills for consumed electricity to the citizens, which in fact will be more expensive from that month. The Government has decided to amortize the increase by reducing the Value Added Tax from 18 to 5 percent, but given...
The exchange rate has been stable for years and will be stable in the future. The guarantee for that is the high level of foreign reserves, but also many other instruments available to the central bank that it will not hesitate to use in defense of the exchange rate,...