Saturday, September 7, 2024
VMRO-DPMNE MP Timcho Mucunski says the laws from the latest economic set of anti-crisis measures have been blocked by the ruling majority, not the opposition. According to him, the economic anti-covid measures from the fifth set of the Government will be voted in April, because they were on the...
63,174 denars net salary was received by the employees in the Computer programming sector, consulting and related activities. These data refer to March 2020, and were published by the State Statistical Office. Employees in this sector have the highest salaries. The situation is the same with quarters back. The average salary in...
A family of four in January needed MKD 50,799 for minimum monthly expenses, according to the calculations of the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia. According to the data on the minimum union consumption basket published today, the most money or MKD 19,206 is spent on food and drinks, and...
The Government rejected the proposal of VMRO - DPMNE and the “Renewal of Macedonia" coalition to reduce the excise tax on fuels by 50 percent, said GROM MP LjupchoPrendzov. "The government refused to reduce diesel fuel by 9.5 denars, and gasoline by 13 denars. Yesterday, this was announced to the...
The shutdown of the economy and restricted movement due to restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus caused the deepest recession in the economy, as evidenced by the 12.7 percent drop in gross domestic product. Although there is a decrease in almost all the main structural elements of...
Total consumption by types of energy commodities in January was 777,650 MWh of electricity, 44.243 mil. nm3 of natural gas, 397,123 tons of coal and 80,929 tons of petroleum products, said the State Statistical Office on Monday. The gross national production of electricity accounts for 76.4% of the gross national...
The government extended until the end of March the measure for providing additional quantities of electricity from domestic production, i.e. through the heating plant Te-To. At yesterday's government session, it was decided that Te-To would operate seven days a week for 24 hours at full power in both February...
Inflation continues to adjust and slow down, coming down to 3.2% in June 2024, which is a reflection of the appropriate monetary policy implemented by the National Bank and the easing of import price pressures. Foreign exchange reserves continue to grow, reaching a level of 4.3 billion euros. The...
The National Bank increased the basic interest rate by 0.5 percent to 3 percent. The bank also increased the interest rates on overnight and seven-day deposits by 0.5 percent each and they now amount to 0.90 versus 0.95 percent. . As the National Bank announced, when making the decision, the...
The World Bank's report on Macedonia is a “big slap in the face” for Kovachevski’s government. All the lies of DUI and SDS that the Macedonian economy is flourishing were drowned out. The report reflects the reality that Macedonia is at the economic bottom of the region, behind all...