Monday, September 16, 2024
The electricity price for households on the regulated market is to increase by 7.4 percent and citizens will continue to use cheaper tariff in the same period of the day as before, said Energy Regulatory Commission president Marko Bislimovski on Friday. All energy companies asked for the increase due to...
As the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM), we received information that employers abused the labor law and did not pay the minimum wage. Salaries and jobs are divided according to education and the complexity of the work you do, said SSM President Darko Dimovski. We as SSM, he...
The average household in the country spends over 60 percent of total income to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and utilities. The data published by the State Statistical Office in the latest issue "North Macedonia in Figures" show that in 2019 the citizens spent the most money on...
Some of the students were left without a denar granted by the Government, many of the young people under 29 did not receive the announced government assistance due to the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the amount of 3,000 denars through their domestic payment card. There are...
The areas with wheat, tobacco and tomatoes have been reduced, the number of livestock has been reduced, and the production of all types of meat except pork has been reduced, the statistics show. According to the latest issue "North Macedonia in Figures" published by the State Statistical Office, only areas...
Total consumption by types of energy commodities in May was 524,980 MWh of electricity, 3,505 mil. nm3 of natural gas, 363,229 tons of coal and 79,336 tons of petroleum products, said the State Statistical Office on Friday. Gross national electricity production participated with 63.5% in gross national electricity consumption, while...
The Pension and Disability Insurance Fund in its just published report for 2019 confirms that last year there was the smallest increase in pensions so far, i.e. in the last 13 years as far as the records are concerned. The adjustment of pensions was 0.7 percent on January 1,...
All cases submitted for privatization of state-owned construction land in 2018, 2019, 2020, citizens can follow to what stage of resolution they are on the portal, announced the Ministry of Finance. According to the statement, there are about 11,500 cases filed during this period. -The procedure for use is very...
According to data released by the European Commission on the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) for the countries of the Western Balkans, including Turkey, it is obvious that only Macedonia and Albania show no growth in the quarter that coincided with the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The European...
We have the capacity to transform the economy and we have proved that in the past three years, we will prove it in the next period and therefore we ask for support from the citizens on Wednesday, said the leader the ruling SDSM Zoran Zaev on Sunday night in...