Monday, May 20, 2024
Trajko Slaveski, Professor and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee, stressed that no citizen should be left without income as a result of the economic crisis caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic. "The state went into an economic recession, at least at this stage. Economic recession means collapse of economic...
Regulatory changes provide more favorable conditions for citizens and companies not only in terms of delay in servicing liabilities, but also in terms of other lending terms, said National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezoska. "The bundle of opportunities to temporarily ease the financial burden on borrowers who are already facing, or...
Companies and the state need money in these times of crisis, so borrowing by the government, although unpopular, is the only option at this time to help the economy, according to Hristijan Mickoski's message. "We will not write letters to borrowers about cancellation of borrowing as SDSM did when it...
  VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with Sitel TV News that the state should immediately cover 50% of the costs for each employee, both salaries and contributions, as well as freezing payments to banks and lenders so that to save businesses but also to keep employees in...
The Macedonian Banking Association said tonight that its members are ready to meet all demands from citizens and companies that face or will face a temporary default. Hence, they evaluate as positive the latest measures of the National Bank, which, as they say, provide significant incentives and incentives to act...
On a proposal by the Ministry of Economy, the Government of North Macedonia at today's session adopted a Decision on freezing the prices of lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit and clementine, informed the Ministry of Economy. The Decision on the Special Conditions for Trade in Certain Goods sets the highest...
The Economic Commission of the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA), led by Bardul Dauti at a news conference, outlined proposals to improve monetary policy in the country and improve sectors affected by the coronavirus situation. He stressed that fiscal policy under difficult conditions for private sector liquidity has no potential...
Despite the state of emergency in the country, activities in the agriculture sector resume. Producers are serviced, subsidies are paid regularly and we are working on solutions for problems such as lamb export, said Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Trajan Dimkovski. Minister Dimkovski told a press conference there...
Nebi Hoxha of the Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia in a televised appearance besides former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, read surveys by members of this chamber, in which members responded that the government's economic measures led by his SDSM do not meet their needs to get out of the...
Former Minister of Finance and University professor Trajko Slaveski said the country needs an urgent budget rebalance to cut all non-essential spending. With the rebalance, the funds should be allocated primarily for health protection of the citizens and support for those who will be left without work and income, claims...