Monday, September 16, 2024
The question is how to pay for what has been planned in the Budget. We are trying to be creative and ensure the citizens don’t feel it. There will be funds for increased pensions, and we will talk with the unions to see if it is possible to increase...
At the invitation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska presented the positive experiences from the evaluation of the transparency of the NBRM with the latest IMF transparency standards. The IMF concludes in the transparency assessment report that: “The National Bank practices a high level of...
The average monthly net wage in May was MKD 41,252 (EUR 670), a 13.1-percent increase compared to the same month in 2023, the State Statistics Office (SSO) said on Tuesday. According to the data released by the State Statistics Office, this increase is primarily due to the increase in the...
The crises of the past few years, such as the pandemic, the energy crisis and geopolitical tensions, have been a real test for central banks. These crises caused a strong inflationary change in the world framework, unseen in the past thirty years. Also, economies with a stable domestic currency...
The Regulatory Commission for Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services (ERC) informs that the universal supplier EVN Home properly applied the tariff system when drawing up a decision on new prices, distributing the costs by blocks in such a way that the price of electricity by 88%...
In the last month, the Customs Administration collected total revenues of MKD 11.9 billion, i.e. 195 million euros, which is a 16.6% higher amount compared to the same period in 2023. This is the highest amount of collected revenues realized on a monthly level since the existence of the...
Inflation continues to adjust and slow down, coming down to 3.2% in June 2024, which is a reflection of the appropriate monetary policy implemented by the National Bank and the easing of import price pressures. Foreign exchange reserves continue to grow, reaching a level of 4.3 billion euros. The...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Macedonian Transmission System Operator AD (MEPSO) signed on Tuesday in the Government a €26.4 million loan agreement aimed at strengthening the transmission network. The contract was initialed by the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Odile...
The 2024 Budget revision was approved by the Parliament’s Finances and Budget Committee and must now secure support in a plenary session, which can last up to three days. MPs submitted a total of 58 amendments for the revision, some of them were withdrawn, the others were rejected. Only two...
As of Monday midnight, the prices of Eurosuper BS – 95 and Eurosuper BS – 98 will drop by Mden 1 per liter, while the price of Eurodiesel (D-EV) will go down by MKD 1.5 and that of extra light household oil will be reduced by MKD 2, the...