Saturday, September 7, 2024
A high level of PM10 particles in the air was registered last night in the capital. At some of the measuring stations in Skopje, air pollution reached over 260 PM10 particles. For a week now, there has been a trend of increasing level of PM particles in the air, and...
After the announcing a protest, the firefighters met with the Mayor of the City of Skopje Petre Shilegov on Tuesday in an attempt to overcome the problems, but no agreement was reached. After the meeting with Shilegov, the commander of the unit in the fire brigade and one of the...
According to the Public Health Institute’s weekly report for October 19-25, a total of 13,993 COVID-19 tests were carried out in Macedonia, 5.9% more than in the previous week, the Health Ministry said in a press release Tuesday. 3,410 new cases were registered in 35 cities in the country, which...
At the 89th session, the State Election Commission (SEC) confirmed the four new MPs - Mirche Adzioski in EU5 of VMRO-DPMNE and the "Renewal for Macedonia" coalition, Rina Ajdari for EU6 of DUI, as well as Miroslav Jovanovic and Lidija Tasevska, both in EU2 from The "We can" coalition. The...
Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote that Macedonia will be able to start negotiations with the EU only if it recognizes that its language is a dialect of Bulgarian, and its national heroes are Bulgarians. “The country, which not so long ago changed its name to increase its chances of EU membership, now...
Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski said he has tested positive for COVID-19. Spasovski posted on Facebook he is stable with mild symptoms, and is now in home isolation. “I’d like to inform you that despite strictly observing all precautions for my own protection and for the protection of those around me...
Due to the increased air pollution, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, I call on the Government, the Minister of Health Filipce and the political commission for infectious diseases, to release the chronically ill people from work. Especially those with respiratory diseases. The number of deaths on a daily basis...
After the meeting with the Commission for Infectious Diseases on Monday, Minister of Health Venko Filipche pointed out that the curfew was not a solution, but it was necessary for the citizens to respect the measures. He added that a meeting is scheduled for Wednesday to discuss the involvement of...
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has been silent for days and does not say what his position is on Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language, he should be encouraged not to be afraid and to say his position in front of the whole country, and not to hide behind empty...
Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov will pay a working visit to France tomorrow and Wednesday, as emphasized by the SEA, in anticipation of the definition of the Negotiating Framework that should incorporate the elements arising from the new methodology for accession negotiations, initiated by...