Saturday, September 7, 2024
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is against total lockdown due to the increased number of Covid-19 cases, because, according to him, it will affect the economy. “If the Commission for Infectious Diseases proposes measures that will really reduce the number of patients, we as a Government will accept them. But, we...
The theater staged by SDSM, Lidija Dimova, Ljupco Nikolovski and Zoran Zaev has only one and that is to defocus the public from the crime committed in the National Agency. This ridiculous spat in the media whether Lidija Dimova will resign or not, whether the Government will dismiss her...
As an official in charge of implementing the Code of Ethics, and in accordance with my competencies at the next government session, in accordance with Article 22 of the Code of Ethics, I will request a resignation or dismissal order from the competent Board of Directors of the head...
The country and the Balkans remember Toshe Proeski, music star who died in a car crash 13 years ago on his way to Zagreb, Croatia. Marathon runners are running in honor of Proeski and will lay flowers in Krushevo and Nova Gradishka, respectively. The 13th anniversary of Proeski’s death will be...
Out of 2,445 COVID-19 tests carried out in the past 24 hours, 535 new cases were registered in North Macedonia, the Health Ministry said on Thursday. Most of the new cases were registered in Skopje-277, followed by Strumica-30, Prilep-26, Gevgelija-24, Shtip-22, Tetovo-18, Kumanovo-17, Kichevo-15, Bitola-13, Kochani-12, Veles-10, Sveti Nikole-9,...
Health Minister Venko Filipche announced at Friday’s press conference that the situation with the coronavirus is being monitored, and new restrictive measures will be proposed on Monday if the situation worsens this weekend. The Commission for Infectious Diseases at a meeting Friday passed proposals for more restrictions, including total ban...
The Commission for Infectious Diseases at a meeting Friday passed proposals for more restrictions, including total ban on events, ordering all businesses to close by 11 pm and public transportation capacities to be slashed by 50%. In line with the enforced decrees with the force of law, it is necessary...
We are working on the problem with Bulgaria and I expect to visit Sofia soon, ahead of the Berlin Process Summit, co-hosted by PM Boyko Borisov and myself, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev on Thursday. “I want to visit Bulgaria and it is my wish that Sofia is the first...
Several departments of the Macedonian Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with the National Unit for Combating Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings and the Public Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, conducted a coordinated operation on Thursday to solve related crime of organizing a...
The work of Lidija Dimova as director of the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility is scandalous, after in just one week several scandals about the criminal work of SDSM staff came to light, accuses VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski. "Over 270,000 euros were awarded to a hair salon...