Monday, September 16, 2024
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in his interview on TV Alfa’s “Sto ne e jasno” show accused that the government bribed the citizens with money within the institutions, pointing out the cards for people from social category, but also with cash in hand, citing the example in Kavadarci where a...
Emmanuel Macron gave the green light for the first intergovernmental conference. France has approved the negotiating framework, French Ambassador Christian Thimonier confirmed in an interview with TV 24. He says the framework is their child and a product of France’s demands for a new methodology. Emmanuel Macron, who vetoed the...
Republic Day (August 2), which marks the 117th anniversary of the Ilinden Uprising and the 76th anniversary of the first plenary session of ASNOM will be, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, observed in line with special health protocols prepared by the Commission for Infectious Diseases and adopted by the...
 VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski shares a post on Facebook: “They did not promise, but they achieved a higher price of electricity. What this government has implemented as an institutional bribe will be taken away from the citizens through higher electricity bills. A cheap electricity tariff that so many boasted about...
At today's meeting, the Commission for Infectious Diseases gave a recommendation for the kindergartens in the country to start working. The commission told that the permit applies to both state and private institutions that care for preschool children. "We believe that the kindergartens meet the conditions in which the...
Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski says he expects the new SDSM-led Government to be formed very soon and adds that accusations by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski over buying of MPs are nonsense, while stressing there will be no new elections. “We are serious in our actions and we will...
Don’t touch the temple, said Macedonia’s greatest guitarist Vlatko Stefanovski, who is just one of many Macedonian musicians, performers, and artists who joined the public and citizens' criticism of the municipal authorities and the announcement of the demolition of the Universal Hall. "Don’t touch the temple where artists like Ray...
The established post-election agreements with SDSM and other parties are collegial, friendly, initial, certainly for the good of the country and its citizens. Details of the talks, as presented, have neither taken place nor been agreed with either side, Ali Ahmeti's party claimed after the Koha daily newspaper reported...
Director and former president of Open Society Macedonia Vladimir Milcin in a guest appearance on the show “Samo vistina” on Kanal 5 TV, commenting on the outcome of the election result, said that these are irregular elections and because of that strange result there will be a dysfunctional government...
Former director of the Open Society in Macedonia and director Vladimir Milcin, in last night's guest appearance on the show "Samo vistina" on Kanal 5 TV, said that Macedonia could have become a member of NATO even without changing its constitutional name, indicating that he does not see any...