Monday, September 16, 2024
Today the Ministry of Interior, Interim Interior Minister Nake Chulev officially handed over the duty of Minister of Interior to Agim Nuhiu. “Following today’s handover of duty, in accordance with the legal provisions, Nuhiu will head the Interior Ministry until the formation of a new government of the Republic of...
According to the population estimate, at the end of last 2019 in the country there were 2,076,255 inhabitants, which is 7,083 people more than in 2014 and 23,533 people more than in 2009. In the period from 2009 to 2019, there is a continuous increase in immigrant foreigners. The data...
In a Facebook post on Saturday, Health Minister Venko Filipche said that the rate of COVID-19- associated hospitalizations has dropped by almost two percentage points over the past two weeks. “In the past two weeks, despite the slight rise in active COVID-19 cases, the rate of hospitalized persons has dropped...
Zoran Gjorgjievski, advisor in the office of Interim Minister of Interior from the ranks of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE Nake Chulev, after the criminal charges and suspension from work, earned the strictest disciplinary measure, due to a physical assault against the head of the Security Unit in traffic in SIA...
DUI Vice President and Tetovo Mayor Teura Arifi said that in connection with the formation of the new government, there will be serious talks to form a new government. They are pleased with the number and the process and the running of the campaign. I think the country should have...
The Administrative Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by VMRO-DPMNE for summarizing the election results and the votes will not be manually recounted ballot by ballot. For more than an hour, an authorized representative of the coalition presented arguments before the Court Council, claiming that mistakes had been made in the...
The Macedonian "Anonymous" group of hackers released a statement that they did not put the e-mail server of the Ministry of Health at risk, but they only extracted the emails. "Sites and e-mail servers have been shut down by scammers who are system administrators in those ministries. Just so you...
The cybercrime and digital forensics unit at the Ministry of Interior (MoI) has submitted a notification to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office – Skopje, explaining all measures and activities taken to clear the case reported by the State Election Commission (SEC) regarding its website hacking on the election day. During...
The Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemned the physical attack in a Skopje bar on journalist and editor of LjupcoZlatev, as well as the threats against journalist of the daily newspaper SlobodenPecatMiroslavaByrns. Zlatev, as previously reported, was physically assaulted and insulted by a person from the personal security...
The entire government of ZoranZaev and SDSM was involved in the corruption case "Racket", and the already convicted in this case yesterday clearly said that if it were not for the support of SDSM officials, businessmen would not even sit down with him to negotiate, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson NaumStoilkovski...