Monday, September 16, 2024
The bilingual sign posted on the Strumica Public Attorney's Office will soon be removed because it was done “by mistake”,  SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said at today's press conference, adding that the sign was a mistake because Strumica had less than 20 percent of ethic Albanian population. It was removed...
The EU Commission stands by its recommendations to open negotiations with Albania and  Macedonia, and the countries can cherish hope for a positive decision in the coming weeks, according to Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi. At the presentation of the reports on the countries’ progress from June 2018 through today, the...
Water level data on Lake Prespa are obtained and analyzed from the hydrological station in Stenje, as well as the monitoring station at the same site. Today, the water level in Prespa Lakes is reduced by about 313 cm. Water level measurement is performed by a water meter with a...
DUI is not afraid that the SDSM-BESA coalition will reduce their number of MPs, party spokesperson Bujar Osmani said at today's press conference. However, he did not rule out the possibility of a post-election coalition with these two parties, and stressed that the DUI is currently focused on campaigning and...
New illegal buildings of SDSM oligarchs. This new affair could be called the “Spanish Village 2”, directed by Health Minister Venko Filipce and his closest relatives. His wife Maja, his mother-in-law Katerina Savevska, her husband and son Jordan and Aleksandar Savevski, along with family friend Goran Filipov are owners...
78 migrants were discovered in the settlement of Tri Cesmi on the road Shtip - Kocani. SIA-Stip spokesperson Gordana Panajotova said in a press release and informed that the migrants were discovered early this morning at around 4 am when police officers from the East and SIA Regional Center...
No new coronavirus patients have been tested in the past 24 hours and there are no new cases of the virus in Macedonia at this time, the Ministry of Health said Sunday morning. The only patient positive for the Covid-19 virus is in good condition, the press release said. She...
Opinion polls by show that opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE will lead the next government. When asked who will lead the future Macedonian government, 67.05 percent of the votes were cast for VMRO-DPMNE's Hristijan Mickoski, while SDSM's Zoran Zaev had only 32.95 percent, or half than Mickoski. According to...
The future government led by VMRO-DPMNE and Hristijan Mickoski is committed to providing citizens with an average salary increase of at least 25 percent in a single mandate, which means more money for workers or an average of 6,500 more than the salary they earn. will be paid nationally...
Agriculture and rural development are priorities for SDSM, since the beginning of the mandate so far we have paid about 381.6m euros in financial support to the agro sector, said Zoran Atanasov, chairman of the SDSM's Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. According to Atanasov, for the first time,...