Monday, September 16, 2024
For the period August/September, the cancellation of tourist arrangements is massive, and there is a drastic decline in the number of tourists expected from abroad. Most tourism and catering companies will need at least six months to a year to recover if the coronavirus epidemic ends by the end...
The Government is seeking the declaration of a new conditional crisis related to the energy crisis so that it can steal and conclude tenders in 4 eyes, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, at Sunday's event of the Democratic Forces of the Roma, stressing that there are indications...
By instituting a tax calendar, the business community will be aware of the changes in the tax field at least six months prior to their enforcement. In this way we will ensure tax predictability and a better business environment, the Ministry of Finance says in a Facebook post. Finance Minister...
Former Macedonian Central Bank Governor Petar Gosev says he does not see solidarity and equity in the economic measures announced by former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, and warns that they are unlikely to pass, but could cost the ruling SDSM a lot. -I do not know if this is Zaev’s...
There is no doubt that the stability of the exchange rate will be maintained even in the last shock - the energy crisis. The NBRM has instruments, it has foreign exchange reserves to intervene in imbalances in the foreign exchange market, and the state can borrow at any moment,...
Macedonians usually shop online from the United Kingdom, Hungary and the United States. Macedonian web stores, on the other hand, mostly buy online with US payment cards, according to data on transactions conducted during 2019, published on the website of the National Bank. During 2019, 3,375,597 online transactions worth EUR...
The Serbian national airline Air Serbia will resume flights between Belgrade and Ohridstarting June this year, reports TAV Macedonia, the airport operator of Skopje International Airport and St. Apostle PavleOhrid. Ohrid, the Macedonian pearl and the Macedonian tourist and cultural center, will be connected by air to Belgrade four times...
Despite the state of emergency in the country, activities in the agriculture sector resume. Producers are serviced, subsidies are paid regularly and we are working on solutions for problems such as lamb export, said Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Trajan Dimkovski. Minister Dimkovski told a press conference there...
Hospitality services in March compared to February this year increased by 0.2%, and compared to March last year by 6.0%, the State Statistics Office said on Saturday. Compared by groups of services, an increase was observed in the groups Food by 0.3% and Alcoholic beverages by 0.1%. Cumulatively, the prices of...
In 2022, we have increased production by 27 percent compared to the previous year. The plan for 2023 is to increase electricity production by about 20 percent compared to last year. We manage to put into operation all the domestic production capacities of electricity, thereby reducing the dependence on...