Saturday, July 27, 2024
We are facing a serious economic challenge, the government is heading for a debt of over 65% of GDP, an urgent need for a second package of measures to stimulate growth! This was stated by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski. "We need to immediately sit down and think about a second set...
Deputy Minister of Finance Gordana Dimitrieska Kocoska wrote on her Facebook that the country was indebted to the international financial institutions, and that was not financial support as it was said. This means that we will have to pay back the money they give us today. "We missed the moment...
The International Monetary Fund approved a 176 million EUR loan for Macedonia in light of the coronavirus epidemic and its blow to the economy. The National Bank said in a statement that the Macedonian economy, as well as the world economy, would be temporarily affected by the outbreak of the...
The Association of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia opposes the proposal to increase the excise tax on fuels. - This request for increase, which was proposed to the Government by the Chamber of Commerce, will cause additional burden on households, farmers, will increase the prices of transport, as well as...
Between 30 and 40 percent of citizens do not accept the offer of banks to postpone debt payments. For some banks, the application deadline has already expired, for some it should be completed these days and next week it should be specified how many of the clients have not...
By Monday, the representatives of the catering sector should submit all their proposals for the manner of support from the state, but also for the use of the Tourism Fund through which 95 million denars are now available. The measures that would return them to normal operation, which is...
Forty percent of public companies do not have a work strategy or clear goals that the company should achieve during the year, according to a survey conducted by the Societas Civilis-Skopje Institute for Democracy (IDSCS). The results show that those companies that have developed a strategy, for the most part...
For the Association of Truck Carriers Makam-trans is unacceptable, irrational and non-solidary measure proposed by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia to increase the excise tax on fuels, which could raise as much money as possible in the budget and would overcome the problems with shortages of funds to help...
The Tourist Catering Chamber of Macedonia announced today that thousands of catering facilities they represent will not use the Government's measures because, as they pointed out, they were insufficient and selective and would contribute to their additional borrowing. "We here from the catering sector from all cities want to make...
Additional Deputy Minister of Finance Gordana Dimitrievska-Kocovska revealed to the public in the show "Sto ne e jasno" on Alfa TV the details of the condition of the state treasury in these conditions of a global pandemic of the dangerous coronavirus. She noted that in the election year, with the...