Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Government is set to freeze the prices of rice and eggs on Tuesday, but also make a decision to limit the export of eggs. Regarding sugar and flour, there will be no intervention yet. It will be waiting for the retailers to make these products cheaper themselves, while...
The Macedonian Minister of Economy KreshnikBekteshi announced that the prices of rice and eggs will be frozen as of Tuesday. As the minister said at a press conference, sugar and flour will not be intervened by freezing, because there is already a breakdown in them and that trend is...
With household operations AD ESM is liquid and during this week or at the beginning of the next the company will return certain funds received from the Government in the Budget, announced the Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi, which will mean that there will be additional funds to...
The head of the State Market Inspectorate (SMI), Goran Trajkovski, told the traders that he will publicly reveal their names, if they do not respect the decisions of the Government, which should reduce the prices of bread, dairy products, and pasta. He reiterated that the Government's decisions are correct...
Starting Thursday, pasta should be sold in markets with reduced prices by 15 percent, and some dairy products by 10 percent. The Ministry of Economy is still analyzing whether to extend the government's list of frozen prices to include eggs, sugar and rice. The possibility of price reduction with...
The country lacks around 10,000 workers per year, according to the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, FatmirBytyqi “The biggest lack of staff is in construction and hospitality. The country tries to provide workers from imports without restrictions from which country, and hopes that ours will be motivated to report...
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy reported that according to the decision of the Government, starting from March 2022, according to the new Methodology for harmonizing pensions, with the March payment, pensions will increase by 8.4%. With the legal amendments, a new way of harmonizing pensions was foreseen, whereby...
The foreign exchange reserves at the end of February of this year amounted to 3,900.4 million euros and compared to the previous month, they recorded an increase of 124.9 million euros, the National Bank informed on Monday. Most of the foreign exchange reserves are invested in securities (79.6%), followed by...
Analyzes will be made next week and it will be determined whether the prices of sugar, jaca and rice will be frozen, Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi said today at a press conference in the Government, adding that the prices will probably be frozen if the producers do...
The State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia (SAO) published on Thursday the Audit Report on the work of the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development (FITR) for 2022 for the period from 2019 to 2021. Undefined activities and inconsistencies with the strategic, normative acts and established...