Saturday, September 7, 2024
The limitation of working hours until 23:00 will be valid only for hospitality facilities, said Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi at Monday’s press conference. He pointed out that the Commission for Infectious Diseases has determined that these places are a risk for the spread of the virus,...
On Monday night, the Macedonian police conducted numerous searches at several locations in Skopje to combat the international organized crime group connected to the 100 kilograms of marijuana seized in Ohrid. During the operation, 114 packages of high quality marijuana ready for sale were seized. A person was detained in...
We had a meeting of the main crisis headquarters and we still do not have new recommendations that imply more radical measures. But nothing is ruled out, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski. “At no point will we violate the inalienable right to one’s home, but there will have to...
Working groups from Macedonia and Bulgaria are working on a daily basis in a bid to overcome the differences between the two countries regarding the implementation of the Good Neighborliness Treaty, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani said Monday, confirming that an additional annex to this document is being...
The autumn coronavirus wave is gaining momentum. A new black balance of ill and diseased was registered on Sunday by the Ministry of Health. In the past 24 hours, 22 people in the country lost the battle with the coronavirus, and 561 new cases were registered out of 1,901...
Longtime MP Amdi Bajram was buried in the Muslim cemetery in Butel Sunday afternoon. Although the Ministry of Health urged for no funeral rites in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, hundreds of citizens attended Bajram’s funeral. Most of the attendees wore protective masks. Bajram's body was laid out...
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Sunday there is no need for a new agreement with Bulgaria, because “the existing one is excellent”. In clarifying his recent statement that settlement of the problem with Bulgaria requires proper tools and ways such as a public statement, declaration, annex to agreement, Zaev said...
As many as 62 percent of the total number of Macedonian households use firewood as a primary source of energy, 29 percent use electricity, and only eight percent are connected to central heating, according to data from the publication "Energy consumption in households". Experts say heating with firewood is...
Venko Filipche, your theatrical performances that your public relations team is preparing for you are no longer valid, wrote VMRO-DPMNE’s Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska on Facebook. “I’m asking you as a university professor, are you not ashamed of such behavior? Every day you have hundreds of new cases, you have deaths, and...
As many as four major Balkan cities are on the world top list of 10 most polluted cities in the world. Belgrade comes at number two, Pristina is in sixth place, Skopje is in the eighth, and Sarajevo is number 9 on the list.