Monday, September 16, 2024
Authorities in the Greek city of Edessa (Voden) have rejected a request to teach Macedonian language in public schools in Greece via online courses, report local media, writes NetPress. The city of Edessa has rejected the request for learning the so-called  'Macedonian language', in public schools in Greece through online...
    Official measurements show a steady upward trend of waste in the country. In just four years, municipal waste has increased by 90,000 tons. The largest waste generator is the Skopje region, with the smallest amount of municipal waste generated in the Southeast region, writes Portalb weekly analysis. The most recent...
Forty children this year were diagnosed with cancer. The youngest patient is a three- month-old baby. Currently, 20 children are being treated at the Pediatric Disease Clinic, the rest have completed treatment and some have been released for home treatment. According to Clinic data, most children have leukemia. Childhood cancer is a complex...
The incident with Boris Mutkov, known as Phantom, who was shot at yesterday with an automatic weapon while driving his Mercedes car in the Skopje suburb of Bardovci, according to preliminary information, as Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski informed today’s press conference, was actually a fight between criminal gangs. “These are people known to...
Zoran Zaev and Oliver Spasovski are abusing their position and trying to cut the powers of the VMRO-DPMNE interim minister, who is due to take office in 10 days, said VMRO-DPMNE EC member Orce Gjorgjievski, and added: “The government abuses the election and only 10 days before the interim government changes the systematization...
Most of the public procurement money was spent last year by the Ministry of Health (39 million euros), while the Ministry of Economy is in the group of institutions with smaller volume of public procurement (334,000 euros). Ministries, government secretariats and Parliament meet on average 55.2% of the maximum possible 100% of the...
Video of the seized 700 kg of cocaine, a case in which actress Stojanovska is involved The Interior Ministry has released details and a video of the mass crackdown on 700kg of cocaine, in which Macedonian actress Silvija Stojanovska and her husband were arrested. The Interior Ministry says Stojanovska is part of a cocaine...
VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev announced at a press conference today an extremely dubious tender involving a close relative of a senior SDSM official. “This is a tender published by the Public Enterprise for Maintenance and Protection of National and Regional Roads for Road Works in winter, in the...
VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski once again called on outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, and to state prosecutors, to reveal any document they have proving that Zaev really reported the major “Racket” scandal engulfing his Government. “It's been three days since I publicly asked Zoran Zaev to answer whether he...
There is an increasing number of women, especially at a younger age, who have cardiovascular disease. One in three women dies of cardiovascular disease. In order to raise awareness of frequent preventive cardiovascular examinations and cardiovascular screening, the action "Red Alarm for Female Heart Health" is being implemented in...