Monday, May 20, 2024
We direct the money where it is most needed - for financial support of citizens and companies. The only priority at the moment is to protect the standard of the citizens and to maintain economic stability, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski wrote on social media on Thursday. In his statement, Kovachevski...
We have collected more than 80,000 signatures so far. Our target is a six-digit number. I hope for more than 100,000 signatures to stop the falsification of the census, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoskiin an interview with Radio Lider. Mickoski added that the collection of signatures for annulment of the...
According to our current analysis, 73 percent of patients who died of COVID-19 had at least two chronic illnesses. This requires a detailed screening of the general health condition of the population, said Health Minister Venko Filipche on Thursday. The minister said that the screening will cover the health status...
  Prime Minister Zoran Zaev stressed on Sunday that the Macedonian and Bulgarian people share a common history, a common past. “Our two people should grow closer together not further apart. We share a history, our languages belong to the same group. What we share can’t belong only to one side....
People barely have anything to eat, while Bytyqi and Zaev are buying 45 luxury cars for ministers and directors, said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE in a party statement. “In the midst of the crisis, when the economy is sinking, the debt exceeded 60%, i.e. 6.5 billion euros, 60,000 people lost their...
Macedonian Caretaker Minister Interior Panche Toshkovski, accompanied by the additional deputy minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Cvetan Tripunovski, the director of the Center for Crisis Management Stojanche Angelov, and the mayor of the Municipality of Sopishte Stefche Trpkovski, joined the preventive and educational campaigns...
Huge scandals and terrible crimes and violations of laws were made by SDSM cadres in the institutions they govern. Starting from the central government, then Petre Shilegov in the City of Skopje, and after him the directors of the public enterprises. There is no order, no order, only crime....
If the bilateral issues that refer to history and education are part of the negotiation process, as it seems from the definitive protocol that we have not seen, then the French proposal for the DOM is unacceptable, the leader of the DOM party Maja Morachanin told that Sunday...
Former mayor of the municipality of Centar, Vladimir Todorovikj, was ordered into house arrest, just like another suspect in the "Phoenix" case, while four others received prison detention. On the way out after several hours of questioning by a judge in a preliminary procedure, the former mayor of the municipality...
In an interview with TV 24, MP LjupchoPrendzov pointed out that the government spends citizens' money for personal profit, taking advantage of the energy crisis, and in this way makes a way through the crisis situations practically for a new robbery of the citizens. "Even during the COVID pandemic, many...