Monday, September 16, 2024
One coronavirus patient aged 65 has died last night at Skopje-based Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Health Ministry said in a press release. The 65-year-old woman from the village of Labunista near Struga had suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Regarding the patient who died on...
Macedonia is on the verge of collapse, both economically and in health, if the irresponsible and corrupt behavior of the SDSM government continues, said VMRO- DPMNE today in a press release. - In just three years, Zaev's incompetence and his criminal gang brought the country into bankruptcy. The Macedonian state is facing the...
Since SDSM leader Zoran Zaev announced his anti-crisis measure, all public sector employees to receive 14,500 MKD salary for April and May, caused confusion and fierce reactions. Apart from the fact that his solution to the crisis was criticized by almost all but the current government officials, the dilemma in which Zaev's...
All elected and appointed officials for April and May will receive a minimum wage of 14,500 denars, Interim rime Minister Oliver Spasovski announced at a news conference Tuesday, presenting the second set of economic measures to deal with the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic SDSM leader Zoran Zaev's proposal opposed by the...
Former Bitola mayor Vladimir Talevski is sentenced to eight years in prison for abuse of office in the ‘Transporter’ case over organizing bus transportation of students in Bitola. Of the remaining 20 defendants in the case, ten are sentenced to a total of 28.9 years in prison, whereas the other ten are sentenced...
A whole week has passed, and there is no word from the ministers and officials of Zoran Zaev about the proposal to completely give up their salaries during these difficult months and to work for free for their country and the citizens, says VMRO- DPMNE Spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski. -Oliver Spasovski hasn’t said a...
Two COVID-19 patients, aged 45 and 78, have passed away at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, the Health Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday. The 45-year-old man from Kumanovo suffered from diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and obesity, while the 78-year old man from Debar had chronic bronchitis and hypertension. Thus far,...
It’s better if we grit our teeth for two months so everybody can continue to be paid, than endanger the payment of salaries in general, says ruling SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who corrects the initial austerity measures imposed to the public administration, which caused a stir in the public. "Due...
It’s good that my exchange with Raskovski over the allegedly “humanitarian” airlift is out in the public because now the entire public can witness the suspicions of crimes that are being perpetrated, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickovski wrote on Facebook, and added: I will not sue Dragi Raskovski for illegally publishing...
The virus and the measures are expected to affect companies as well, exports have fallen, consumption has fallen, orders to companies have fallen, trade has fallen. All of this has a direct negative impact on workers in Macedonian companies. By slowing and stopping their work, they are on the...