Saturday, September 7, 2024
The International Republican Institute’s (IRI) today released a public opinion poll ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections due on April 12, with the same poll showing that the number of citizens who supported SDSM two years ago dropped by 20%. Namely, from the 21% of voters who would vote for SDSM in 2018,...
VMRO-DPMNE's Health Committee is in constant session over the situation with the coronavirus outbreak, Igor Nikolov of VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release today. The borders need to be closed for all passengers, except for emergency cases. Stores and farmers markets need to work under a special regime that would limit the entry...
We all know that Macedonia is facing a serious phenomenon whose forecasts say that unfortunately the situation will only get worse. The more comprehensive the measures are, and the faster they are, the smaller the consequences. To be honest, despite these huge health problems, I wish the all best and a fast...
Ahead of Monday’s National Security Council meeting organized by President Stevo Pendarovski, the State Election Commission (SEC) has asked top officials, at a public session held on Sunday, to postpone upcoming parliamentary election, set to take place April 12. SEC members underlined at the session that the problem doesn’t lie in the single election...
Health Minister Venko Filipce announced at a press conference today that there are currently 18 positive coronavirus positive patients in Macedonia, six of them from yesterday. Infectious Disease patients, all 15 are stable. Minister Filipce said there were 7 people being tested for the coronavirus from Kicevo, Kumanovo, Tetovo, Stip, Ohrid and two...
Health Minister Venko Filipce on Saturday said that additional measures are taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the country. “North Macedonia is closing all border crossings points, except Tabanovce, Deve Bair, Kjafasan and Blace. They remain open in order to allow entry of passengers and vehicles. The St. Paul the...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said today that it is necessary to declare a crisis in our country so that urgent measures can be taken. He said at a news conference in front of the VMRO-DPMNE headquarters that dealing with coronavirus requires maximum involvement of all professional and human resources, but also commitment from...
There are no new confirmed coronavirus cases in North Macedonia. Four coronavirus patients with mild symptoms are expected to arrive from Debar at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, including a 15-year-old boy, Health Minister Venko Filipce said at a press conference Saturday. Eight other patients, one from Skopje and seven from Debar, are...
Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski underlined at a press conference on Saturday that in line with coronavirus preventive measures all political parties have agreed to suspend activities until March 22, ahead of upcoming election set to take place April 12. He said that he talked early Saturday with the leaders of SDSM Zoran Zaev,...
I was the director of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, which is one of the largest institutions and university professors, transferring experience, but my civic activism was a challenge. Civic activism was a higher goal for me in a way, I was able to influence more people. At the same time, what...