Saturday, July 27, 2024
Macedonia will lose almost 11 percent of its current population by 2050, if the current trend of population reduction continues, the Visual Capitalist portal reported, citing data from the United Nations and the World Bank. According to the projections until 2050, the population in the country, whose number is already...
With several activities and manifestations in Skopje today, 59 years of the catastrophic earthquake in 1963, in which 1,070 people lost their lives and 3,000 were injured, are being marked. The catastrophic earthquake in Skopje occurred on July 26, 1963 at five hours and 17 minutes, and there were smaller...
This is a sobering moment for North Macedonia, but also for the opposition. Burning documents in the plenary hall, pushing people to violence and inciting hatred bring nothing, only harm, assesses European Commissioner for Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi in an interview with Euractiv. “For North Macedonia, this should be a wakeup...
The President of the Republic of Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, will stay in Skopje during the upcoming Ilinden holiday, where he will appropriately commemorate the people of Ilinden, as well as at the first session of ASNOM. President Pendarovski will lay flowers at the monument to fallen NOB fighters in the...
Two fires are active in the country, between the Strumica villages of Trebichino and Vasilevo and in Tetovo, where the landfill is burning. Teams of the Territorial Fire Fighting Unit - Tetovo (TPPE) are on the ground, and they are extinguishing the fire. The Center for Crisis Management (CMC) informs...
The Parliament Committee on Foreign Policy unanimously adopted the bills for the ratification of the Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Finland on Tuesday. Support for the membership of the two Scandinavian countries to NATO was given by the MPs...
While the people opposed the French proposal and while the mass protests continued in the streets, precisely because of the clear consequences for the Macedonian identity, the Minister of Education and Science, the DUI staff adopted a new curriculum for primary education, with which the study of the Macedonian...
Information leaked to the public on Monday from President Pendarovski's office that the celebration of Ilinden will be held on the plateau in Villa Vodno, as three years ago, when it was the first celebration organized by President Pendarovski. During his presidential term so far, Pendarovski never once appeared for...
The Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, at the press conference with the Portuguese head of diplomacy Joao Gomes Cravinho, pointed out that Bulgaria sent a unilateral statement about the Macedonian language to the UN in 2017, but the public was not informed about it at all. "A unilateral...
The work of the intergovernmental groups and the chambers of commerce of the member countries of the Open Balkans continues in Tirana on Tuesday. In the conditions of the world economic and energy crisis, the regional connection with the aim of greater energy stability is the greatest focus of the...