Friday, July 26, 2024
The agenda on Tuesday's government session, among other things, will include the information on concluding an Agreement for administration of the Fund for financial support and liquidity support - COVID 4 with a draft decision on distribution of funds provided by the budget for financial support and support of...
Whenever a minister withdraws a textbook, a catastrophe occurs, because first you do not explain why you withdraw the textbooks and I will remind you that at the request of a certain group you withdrew a textbook on geography, without any professional and scientific discussion just because the scientific...
In a conversation with the ambassadors of the EU member states, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister SvetlanStoev reaffirmed the Bulgarian position on the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries. Regarding the EU integration of the Republic of Macedonia, SvetlanStoev stressed that the position of Bulgaria is “clear, consistent and predictable...
The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) has all the capacities to deal with the platform of the green agenda and this issue should not be viewed with skepticism, because there will be funds for this both locally and internationally, said the leader Ali Ahmeti. "We are not a movement, a...
After the now convicted of racketeering, former President of the Special Public Prosecutor's Office KaticaJaneva, and now the Chief of the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and High Corruption VilmaRuskovska says there is no option to be replaced Chief of Prosecution due to incompetence, says analyst Sotir Kostov. "KaticaJaneva was...
The lay judge in the cases "Talir 1" and "Talir 2", MitkoSandev, due to which the property of VMRO-DPMNE is frozen, refused NetPress in its demands to answer the questions on the topic that was opened earlier today by the leader of the opposition party HristijanMickoski. VMRO-DPMNE’s property is frozen...
After the appointment of JudgeDobrilaKacarska as president and the long-time Social Democratic MP and party official CvetankaIvanova as a judge of the Constitutional Court, Prime Minister ZoranZaev made a forum of SDSM pensioners out of the court, VMRO-DPMNE accused. "There is no greater act of partisanship of the state than...
Former secret police chief Sasho Mijalkov remains in detention at a Skopje jail after the Skopje Appellate Court upheld the decision of the Criminal Court rejecting the bail he had offered. The decision was reviewed earlier today, confirmed the Appellate Court. The Skopje Criminal Court on May 20 rejected Mijalkov’s offer...
Last year, on October 1, as many as four heads of international drug cartels came to Skopje, were photographed in the premises of the Ministry of Interior, left fingerprints, received new identities and Macedonian passports. One of them is the head of an Albanian criminal organization from the “Compania...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at Monday’s press briefing revealed several scenarios concerning the negotiations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Mickoski stressed that several scenarios are at play in the development of events with Bulgaria, and the first is for Macedonia to start negotiations on June 22 without additional conditions, a scenario...