Friday, July 26, 2024
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev did not want to comment on Saturday the decision of the Skopje Court of Appeals to replace the detention of the former Secretary General of his government and his personal friend Dragi Rashkovski with house arrest. "I know that he has been replaced by a prison...
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in response to reporter’s question whether SDSM and DUI will jointly give support to Skopje mayor Petre Shilegov, who announced Friday that he will run for a second term, said that he supported the SDSM mayors, confirming that Shilegov is SDSM’s favorite mayoral candidate for...
On the occasion of 19th anniversary of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), its leader Ali Ahmeti revealed on Saturday that the green agenda is becoming part of DUI’s concept in the upcoming local elections. “On the 19th anniversary of DUI we start a new policy and direct action, a...
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev pardoned former Secretary General of his Government Dragi Rashkovski through the media, and the court executed him unconditionally. Rashkovski was caught buying his own patent with public money. There are suspicions of a dozen software purchases, and indications of misuse of public money are obvious....
The first parliamentary question posed by Dimitar Apasiev, MP and leader of the new party Levica, was a request to renovate the house in Veles owned by Apasiev’s family. Although there are hundreds of houses like the Apasiev’s waiting in line for renovation with state money, few expected that the...
I think that Macedonia should be allowed to build its own historiography on its own. Because our attitude towards Goce Delchev is like one of the foundations of the Macedonian statehood. That foundation of Macedonian statehood should not be divisible. So Goce Delchev sacrificed, worked, fought and died for...
VMRO-DPMNE MP Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova stresses that she does not trust the Government and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, and their position that there are no negotiations over Macedonia’s identity with Bulgaria because according to her, if there is "Janus with two faces, then there is our prime minister with many...
Vasko Kovachevski is the reason why the price of electricity in Macedonia is getting more expensive. Kovachevski is to blame for the high electricity bills. He catastrophically manages JSC ELEM. Kovachevski managed to spend a bank deposit of the company in the amount of 1 billion 500 million denars,...
Former Secretary General of the Government Dragi Rashkovski offers a half million euro guarantee to get out of custody. According to his defense, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office gave a positive opinion for Rashkovski to leave the remand prison near Skopje, and the final decision should be made by the...
Borrowing de facto should be a necessity to finance a project, you are not at home, but if you start buying bread on credit, then you are definitely aiming for some kind of bankruptcy. If you take out a loan, you can take out a loan at some point...