Saturday, September 7, 2024
The State Anti-Corruption Commission has opened an investigation into Finance Minister Nina Angelovska, who withdrew her deposit of 250.000 EUR from the Eurostandard Bank before it collapsed, prompting allegations that she used inside information. Sitel finds out that the commission is investigating Angelovska for “conflict of interest”.
Former Governor of the Central Bank of Macedonia Petar Goshev assessed that the National Bank could have contributed to the rescue of the failed Eurostandard Bank and that Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska abused her position by withdrawing the deposit two months before the bank declared bankruptcy. Goshev said that...
For two months now, the government has been hiding data on the number of unemployed people. There is no information from the competent institutions, said Darko Lazarov of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE. "The government has been hiding the data on the number of unemployed for the second month in a row....
Industry turnover was decreased by 17.5% in January – June 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, State Statistical Office data shows. The turnover index in industry dropped by 5.6% in June 2020, in comparison with May 2020, while compared to May 2020 it was increased by 37.7%. The total...
After the National Bank of Macedonia revoked the founding and operating license of Eurostandard Bank AD Skopje, the citizens should rest assured – the banking system is stable and safe, the Financial Stability Committee says Friday. All other banks, including savings banks, are stable and safe, it added. “Financial stability...
    VMRO-DPMNE, after announcing yesterday that it suspects that a private security agency from Strumica is pumping money through the universal electricity supplier for the Zaev family, today unveiled the scheme of how the agency received work from state institutions and companies. Party spokesperson Dimce Arsovski said that through this agency...
VMRO-DPMNE publicly calls on Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska to announce the exact date on which she withdrew her money, the personal deposit from the Eurostandard bank that failed, says the party. VMRO-DPMNE points out that if that date is close to the collapse of Eurostandard Bank, it means that...
According to Eurostat data, young people in Macedonia and other countries in the region move out at over 30 years old. Young adults in Macedonia remain living with their parents until the age of 31.8, followed by Montenegro – 31.1, Serbia – 31.1 and Turkey 27.5. Eurostat provides no data for...
ravel agencies are urging the government and the Commission on Infectious Diseases to urgently change the passenger transport protocol and allow buses to run at full capacity instead of halfway. The reasoning is that no country in the world has decided on such a restriction. They also do not deviate...
Exempting transportation from the current protocol from 50 to 100 percent capacity and subsidizing salaries is the ultimatum set by travel agencies by August 15th. Tourism workers are urging the government and the Commission on Infectious Diseases to urgently change this bus protocol, because, as the statement points out,...