Friday, July 26, 2024
Cardiac surgeon Doctor Sashko Jovev stated that even after his dismissal from the head post of the state-owned Cardiac Surgery Clinic, the clinic remains functional and that he agreed with the team to remain at the service of the citizens for the time being so, as he said, not...
The next step in the country's European integration depends on the adoption of constitutional changes, which is a sovereign decision of the country but the EU hopes they can be adopted swiftly so the country can ride on the current enlargement momentum and move forward decisively on its European...
After the solemn statement of the ministers in the newly elected caretaker government, caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi gave his first media statement in the Albanian language. He first spoke in Albanian, then in Macedonian. He pointed out that he had nothing special to add from what he said...
The government coalition is stable and has 65 MPs. It is normal that within the coalition there are political parties with certain views that ideologically or operationally differ from other political parties, but on the main political lines of the government coalition they all have the same vision and...
As much as 1.8 million euros will end up in the pockets of Elmedin Ademi, nephew of the former minister of DUI, Abdulakim Ademi, for re-adaptation of the Boris Trajkovski sports hall for the Summit of Heads of State of OSCE member states, VMRO-DPMNE said on Tuesday. “The MFA and...
The Democratic Union (DS) political party expresses deepest condolences and regret for the tragedy that happened to the family of VanjaGjorchevska. DS demands a thorough investigation and clarification of all aspects related to the gruesome murder of VanjaGjorchevska, as well as the liquidation of PancheZhehovski. “Through a thorough and comprehensive...
Couple of thoughts about the truth: they lie to the society about negotiating with VMRO-DPMNE and coalition’s MPs for a year now, they divide the people on pro-EU and anti-EU, progressive and regressive, this and that, while the truth is that their only  desire is another day of the ...
We have scandals every day on various grounds, so we have to admit that we have a Government and an establishment that not only fails to save itself with crime, but unfortunately also causes its metastases, stated Mile Lefkov, MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee in the...
Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski urged the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, to hand over the evidence for the double murder of 14-year-old Vanja Gjorchevska and 74-year-old Panche Zhezhovski, which the opposition leader claimed to have in a TV interview on Wednesday evening. “Regarding the comments of the leader of...
The European Union is the biggest donor to our country. So far, through the IPA program, around one billion euros of non-refundable funds have been invested for infrastructure modernization and development. The IPA 3 program, which covers the period 2021-2027, is ongoing. There are also other types of aid,...