Saturday, September 7, 2024
I have not spoken with the party leader Hristijan Mickoski on this topic, and in that sense the answer is that I have not formally received an offer from him or any other person in the leadership of the party, related to my possible nomination to be VMRO-DPMNE candidate...
Former Greek Prime Minister and until recently the leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, arrived in Struimica Monday, on a private visit to the former Macedonian Prime Minister and former leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev. And this meeting is a confirmation of their friendship that started with the negotiations to...
For the umpteenth time, at a session of the City of Skopje council on Wednesday, the coalition between SDS, DUI, Levica and Danela Arsovska came to light. All together, without batting an eye, voted the worst budget in the history of the city so far, in which capital investments...
VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva in an interview with Klan Macedonia TV, discussing DUI's rhetoric that when VMRO-DPMNE attacks DUI, it attacks all Albanians, pointed out that ‘this absolutely does not hold water because it is enough to reverse the thesis and it turns out that when DUI attacks VMRO-DPMNE...
The Democratic Union for Integration's leadership has decided to name current Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi caretaker prime minister of the Republic of North Macedonia as of Jan. 28 until the spring elections. According to DUI spokesperson and current Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in a Facebook post, DUI's central presidency meeting...
The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) reacts to the articles in part of the media, which indicate that at the initiative of the Ministry and the Government, the participation for studying at state higher education institutions will be doubled for all three study cycles. “This is false information, and...
Following the introduction of development bonds for citizens and green bonds, Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi announces an introduction of a new financial i.e. new project bonds. The new project bonds will represent an alternative way for institutional investors to invest in infrastructure projects, Besimi said. “The Finance Ministry plans to...
The leader of VMRO-DPMNE HristijanMickoski, before Monday's leaders’ meeting, emphasized that there would be no constitutional amendments until there was a clear European path for Macedonia and until Bulgaria renounced its hegemonic policies. “Yesterday, a departing politician had an interview on a national media, saying that he is sure and...
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) made a decision on Tuesday that increased the price of heating in Skopje by 4.51 percent. According to the ERC announcements, no price correction is expected until the end of the heating season, despite the announced introduction of a fee of 10 euros by...
Such a horrible event. You know that health care, unfortunately, under this Government is shaken by many scandals, such as the scandal with the Oncology Clinic and the Government's favorite wholesaler, the profiteering of the death of citizens, and these are processes that, unfortunately, are happening to us these...