Saturday, September 7, 2024
Negotiations on the formation of the new government will continue after Revolution Day-Ilinden while observing the legal deadlines, after which the country will get functional and legitimate institutions, says SDSM. The party adds that leader Zoran Zaev will go on vacation within the country in the coming days. “Considering the...
The website of the State Election Commission (SEC) was out of order again on Friday morning, although it was functional in the morning, but it presented information of the last parliamentary elections with very incorrect data. The SEC website was down after being hacked on Wednesday night on Election Day,...
As the first general elections held in North Macedonia since joining NATO and being invited to commence EU accession negotiations earlier this year, these elections represent an important step for democracy, says the United States Embassy to Skopje in a statement regarding yesterday’s parliamentary elections. “We want to recognize the...
The European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi delivered Friday a joint statement on the early parliamentary elections in the country. According to the preliminary findings and conclusions of the international observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human...
No country in Europe had a higher death toll than Macedonia on Thursday due to COVID-19 complications. Eight deaths per population of just 2 million are far above all countries in Europe. In absolute numbers, Macedonia was on the 11th place yesterday. As for the region, Serbia, which has a...
The new composition of the Macedonian Parliament will have even fewer women than the previous one, although all parties that participated in the election race declaratively declare themselves for greater gender equality and increase the number of women in politics and especially in responsible duties. Yesterday, the State Election Commission...
Candidate for the first Albanian Prime Minister of Macedonia Naser Ziberi posted on Facebook after the announcement of the election results, that DUI leader Ali Ahmeti was already contacting with other Albanian parties to, as he said, achieve their cause. "With 15 mandates, DUI becomes even more powerful to start...
Based on the data from the minutes of the Municipal Election Commissions and the entire material, the State Election Commission (SEC), almost 24 hours after the end of the voting on Thursday night, determined that the total number of voters is 1,814,236. 942,334 citizens exercised their right to vote....
There were 830 tests performed over the past 24 hours, with 94 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 42 patients have recovered, while 8 passed away, the Ministry of Health said on Thursday. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 8,623 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 4,603 people have recovered. The death...
In addition to hacking the website of the State Election Commission (SEC) and the website of the news aggregator for several hours on Wednesday, the website of the Ministry of Interior was also hacked. The Ministry of Interior informed that they are working on revealing the reasons for the crash of the...