Monday, September 16, 2024
SDSM’s boasts and praises sound good, but the reality is a quite different.  We demand that these laws be completed, who prevented you from completing these laws, said VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group coordinator Nikola Micevski in his address during the parliamentary session. Micevski in his address pointed out that SDSM is...
  VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Milososki asked Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi to play an audio recording in which the voice of Z.Z. can be heard. Xhaferi did not allow it, and Justice Minister Renata Deskoska pointed out that Milososki was bluffing. Milososki, meanwhile, replied that he had a recording of Zaev negotiating the...
Hiring new employees in the pre-election period continues. Job ads keep showing up during the pre-election period despite calls from anti-corruption officials that pre-election hiring is electoral corruption. The Macedonian Post Office has opened an ad for no less than 280 new full time employees. The ad prompted immediate allegations...
To preserve its credibility, the European Union must speed up the European integration of the Western Balkans and make the process much more dynamic, Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varheyi said at the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg. Varheyi stressed that the EU must open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania as both countries...
The Ministry of Health has informed that according to the latest information received from the Japanese authorities, there has been a change in the situation of the Macedonian nationals aboard the "Diamond Princess" ship in Yokohama, Japan. The presence of a coronavirus has been confirmed in one of the Macedonian nationals who is...
Parliament was due to be dissolved on February 11th, so that the early parliamentary elections scheduled for April 12th could be oficialized the next day. But that did not happen, primarily at the request of Zoran Zaev, who wants to push through the law on Public Prosecutor’s Office with this parliament, which...
At $ 52,210 of wealth per capita, Macedonia is among the last in the Balkans and in Europe. This is shown by the latest World Bank report "The Changing Wealth of Nations" which takes several categories into account. The country is among the poorest in Europe and the region, with a total...
A 14-year old girl died Wednesday of complications from the flu virus at the Children’s Clinic in Skopje, Gordana Kuzmanovska of the Public Health Institute said Thursday. The girl, who suffered from chronic health problems, is the first flu victim of the season. In the past week, 3,614 flu cases were resisted throughout the...
Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski has filed a motion to the Parliament for dismissal of Minister of Labor and Social Policy Rashela Mizrahi, appointed by the main opposition VMRO-DPMNE. The motion comes after Minister Mizrahi held several press conferences in front of a board with the name ‘Republic of Macedonia’. According to her, the...
The emphasis in the VMRO-DPMNE program is on the economy, in order to reduce unemployment, especially among young people, and thus stay in Macedonia. According to experts, a set of measures is needed to improve the economic situation, as the brain drain from Macedonia is huge and youth unemployment is over 45%. VMRO-DPMNE leader...