Monday, May 13, 2024
In 2022 alone, the Government of AD ESM formerly AD ELEM transferred more than 200 million euros, people's money, pointed out VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked about the staff changes in the energy sector and claims by the Prime Minister that ESM saved almost 99 million euros and turned...
We are launching the process of the digital transformation of services for citizens in respect to issuing an electronic certificate of citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia. The citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia will be able to receive electronic or mobile citizenship certificates, Interior Minister Oliver...
In 23 days in November, AD ESM (formerly AD ELEM) spent around €23,000,000 on electricity imports. €1,000,000 was spent daily just for importing electricity, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in a post on social media on Wednesday. In just 23 days in November, 87,970 MWh of electricity were...
After all the MPs that registered to address the Parliament finished their addresses, Parliament Speaker TalatXhafericlosed the session on the constitutional amendments and postponed the vote on the need due to the lack of a two-thirds majority of 80 MPs. Previously, the coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group Nikola Micevskiasked...
Due to the incompetence and irresponsibility of the SDSM and Kovachevski government, the Macedonian economy is collapsing. The growth of the economy in the first quarter of 2022 is twice lower compared to Serbia and Kosovo and almost three times lower compared to Albania. Unfortunately, this trend has been going...
The State Audit Office (SAO) on Friday released the final audit report: "Efficiency of the measures and policies taken to reduce the effects of the pandemic in the tourism sector." It states that there is a low level of implementation of government measures and that the unavailability of timely,...
VMRO-DPMNE MP Dragan Kovachki told Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski from the Parliament rostrum that he should dismiss the Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska, because she has been on sedatives for a long time and is not capable of doing her job. "Her hands are shaking, she can't hold her train...
We are talking about a political process, a process where our bilateral problem with Bulgaria in the next phase, if that change in the Constitution passes, becomes our problem with the entire European Union, says the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with Sitel TV’s News. "I shall...
An open letter from investors to the Government for faster approval of the decision to build a Technology Park in Skopje. They say that every day is important for the investment that should bring development to the entire region. "The economic effect will be great. Educational and entertaining are no less...
The "Vancho Mihailov" club from Bitola did not remove the content in question from social media even though the deadline for that has expired, and today the deadline for the rest of the recommendations regarding the name and content also expires, so if it does not act on them,...