Monday, September 16, 2024
  The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group submitted about 220 amendments and will participate in the parliamentary committee for financing and budget, at which today the review of the 2022 Draft Budget should begin. They will also participate in the plenary session at which the budget will be adopted, said VMRO-DPMNE MP...
The research of the public opinion was presented Thursday night on the show of the public service MRTV, the results of which indicate that a large part of the citizens are not at all satisfied with the government measures for dealing with the economic crisis. The Institute for Political Research...
Following its long-term development strategy based on partnership with real farmers, the Tikvesh winery, five months before the official start of this year's harvest, began the process of defining cooperation and signing agreements with vine farmers. At a meeting with the growers in the winery in Kavadarci, the management of...
Domestic operators, interested in foreign companies and citizens until the 20th of this month, when the deadline expired, submitted opinions and remarks to the Agency for Electronic Communications regarding the planned issuance of approvals for the use of radio frequencies for 5G technology. AEC director Saso Dimitrijovski says that so...
 Heating bills have been reduced as of Wednesday in accordance with the guidelines given by the Energy Regulatory Commission two weeks ago. As of Wednesday morning, citizens started receiving new bills by mail and electronically, and it can be noted that they differ from the previous ones by amounts...
According to the latest data published by the State Statistics Office, the index of the average monthly paid net salary per employee in May 2022, compared to May 2021, is 109.4. Or, the average net salary in May this year is 9.4 percent higher than the same in May...
The Economic Chamber of Macedonia (SKM), through the Prilep Regional Chamber, has been informed that a Decision has been prepared in the municipality, for the financing of 33 new administrative jobs for the coming year 2024, according to the projections of the budget of the city treasury for the...
The Regulatory Commission for Energy passed a Decision increasing the retail prices of petroleum products by an average of 1.41% compared to the decision of August 26, 2022. The reference prices of petroleum products on the world market, compared to the previous calculation, show a decrease in gasoline by an...
The Republic of North Macedonia retained the credit rating BB+ with a negative outlook, which is the result of the implementation of good governance policies, a credible and coherent macroeconomic and financial policy consistent with the long-maintained fixed exchange rate. The credit rating BB+ with a negative outlook has...
Mayor of Kisela Voda Orce Gjorgjievski had a working meeting on Thursday with the representatives of "Lidl" from the representative offices in Bulgaria and Macedonia. While showing great interest in available locations where markets and a regional distribution center could be opened, potential investors received information from the mayor...