Saturday, July 27, 2024
Deputy Prime Minister Koco Angjusev was on tonight's TV show Trend Analysis, where he said the minimum wage protects people who have no alternative. He said there should be no illusion that one could survive on the minimum wage. Although the statements of the Deputy Prime Minister are convincing, it...
Amendments to the Labor Law has come into force, defining Sunday as a non-working day for 92 percent of workers. For the remaining 8 percent, who will work on Sundays, the changes provide for at least 50 percent higher daily wage and day off for workers, which are part...
For two years now, Macedonia is in the midst of a health and economic crisis, and if we take into account the growth of the number of cases and the unavailability of vaccines for citizens, it is uncertain when the crisis will end and recovery will begin, said Danela...
We have the capacity to transform the economy and we have proved that in the past three years, we will prove it in the next period and therefore we ask for support from the citizens on Wednesday, said the leader the ruling SDSM Zoran Zaev on Sunday night in...
No foreign direct investment has come to Macedonia in the past four years. Unlike our country, a Japanese company will invest two billion dollars in Neighboring Serbia in the production of electric motors, said VMRO DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with Alfa TV. “This will seriously increase...
The National Bank expects a larger deviation in its October projections for economic growth, as a result of the appearance of the coronavirus, which, as an unexpected external shock, is expected to be reflected in several segments of the economy. This is the assessment from today's session of the...
The project in the Greek port city of Alexandroupolis, which envisages the construction of a gas terminal and a gas power plant has European significance. Gastrade, the project's lead company, has signed an agreement to acquire 20 percent of its share capital by DESFA SA, owner and operator of...
63,174 denars net salary was received by the employees in the Computer programming sector, consulting and related activities. These data refer to March 2020, and were published by the State Statistical Office. Employees in this sector have the highest salaries. The situation is the same with quarters back. The average salary in...
Through the quality performance of the statistical function, the National Bank continues to contribute to the strengthening of the decision-making process of the economic stakeholders. Data are constantly being collected, prepared and published in accordance with international standards, and development and upgrading activities in the individual statistical domains are...
ZoranZaev’s Finance Minister Nina Angelovska after withdrawing her deposit from the Eurostandard Bank, she also approved state anti-crisis aid for her company, accused VMRO-DPMNE at a press conference. While citizens are barely making ends meet, and companies are going under due to the selective distribution of financial stimulus aid, the...