Saturday, September 7, 2024
Four political entities and coalitions are announcing lawsuits to the Administrative Court for the rejection of their complaints about election irregularities by the State Election Coalition (SEC). The Levica party was the first to announce that it would sue. The leader of the party says that they have not filed...
Health Minister VenkoFilipcesays that the record number of newly infected in one day, just like some previous variations or "bounces" from a usual number, is due to a "small cluster" in one of the clothing factories in Stip. "One of the few confections in which there were more infected is...
The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Skopje passed a Resolution that there is no place for public prosecution intervention regarding the written notification submitted by Interim Interior MinisterNakeChulev, which referred to the criminal offenses "abuse of office and authority" and "unethical behavior in the workplace". The written note, according to...
In the first six months of this year, the realization of capital expenditures in the budget is 22.51 percent. According to the published data of the Ministry of Finance, out of the planned 319,921,656 euros as of June 30, 2020, 72,007,831 euros were realized. The realization of capital expenditures of...
Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs BujarOsmani in a statement to the Greek newspaper "Ethnos" said that DUI is a party that will seek the mandate to form a government, although SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE with their coalitions won thirty more MP seats in early parliamentary elections last Wednesday. "However, the...
The election cluster begins to give the first election numbers of those infected with the coronavirus. "Pre-election rallies and post-election celebrations will hit us in the head," said epidemiologist DraganDanilovski in an interview with TV 24. According to him, only wearing a mask by everyone can help stop the coronavirus...
The State Election Commission (SEC) at a session on Sunday dismissed all 2,142 complaints filed by political parties over the early parliamentary polls. Regarding the numerous allegations of non-transparency and manipulation during the election process, the members of the SEC stated that they acted in accordance with the Constitution and...
The State Election Commission (SEC) at a session on Sunday dismissed all 2,142 complaints filed by political parties over the early parliamentary polls. Of a total of 1,982 complaints filed by Levica, SEC members dismissed 1,478 complaints because they didn’t have a signature by an authorized person and no stamp...
ZoranJovanovski, Chief Advisor to the Management Board of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia for Economic Affairs, through Facebook status told unscrupulous citizens to respect the measures against covid-19 because the continuation of health continues the economic crisis, and as he says, the country has borrowed funds for public spending...
DUI leader Ali Ahmeti remains on the position that the party’s requirement for entering a coalition is the idea of an “Albanian Prime Minister” but the doors for talks over the formation of the future government are not closed, saidDUI’s PM candidate NaserZiberi in an interview with Slobodna TV. “According...