Friday, May 17, 2024
SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski on Sunday participated and addressed the traditional March 8th march on the occasion of International Women's Day, organized by the SDSM Women's Forum. In his address, party leader Kovacevski pointed out that SDSM is an example of what true equal representation and true gender equality should...
The Struga Primary Public Prosecutor's Office has filed criminal charges against Struga Mayor RamizMerko for professional misconduct. He is charged with "Unscrupulous Operation Within the Service" according to Article 353-c Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, which says: "An official person or authorized person in public enterprise or public...
The Democratic Union party (DS) demands a thorough investigation into the causes of the fire that burned down the Universal Hall, one of the symbols of Skopje. “Thousands of musicians, actors, folklorists and countless other artists performed here in this hall, but the carelessness of the government and the greed...
The academic year for high school students will last until June 10, while for elementary school students until June 17, the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) announced on Thursday. Although the voting within the first and second election rounds is scheduled on working days, the students will not lose...
Hospital rooms on the first floor and the doctor's offices on the second floor of the Toxicology Clinic as well as hallways on the ground floor, and parts of the basement were flooded Thursday night, Toxicology Clinic medical director Danil Petrovski said on Friday, adding that the damage was...
The deadline for registering voters who are sick or frail so that they can be visited in their homes on May 7 and vote in the parliamentary elections expires at midnight. Registration is in the Municipal Election Commissions and applies only to the parliamentary elections, while the accepted requests of...
The independent trade union for Education, Science and Culture (SONK) will hold an extraordinary session of the Council on Thursday, where it will decide on further steps due to the delay in the March salary for about three thousand employees in the culture activity. SONK President Jakim Nedelkov said...
I have no words to express my gratitude. I am overwhelmed, is it possible for so many people to react this way. I don't believe I’m any different from many others. I simply know that I will fulfil what I promise in my own way, I can assure you...
Due to the bad policies and the ignorant attitude towards the pensioners, the Government led by SDS and the DUI must be defeated by the citizens of Macedonia in the elections and nationally appointed persons who will take care of the pensioners and all the citizens in the country...
StevoPendarovski, DimitarKovachevski and Mile Zechevikj put the Intelligence Agency led by EroldMusliu at AsafEisin’s disposal, for whom we have suspicions that documents against VMRO-DPMNE were forged, and which are published in public, as alleged truth, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Sunday. “The main clients are Pendarovski and Kovachevski,...