Saturday, September 7, 2024
Only one part of cocaine was seized, which was part of a large quantity of drugs with North Macedonia as its final destination, four men arrested, a financial investigation into a company where the drug was found and possible involvement of other people or companies – these are the results of Wednesday’s...
VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in a debate with Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska, disclosed a gross crime of half a million euros in the Ministry of Defense. He noted that the Grader machine was purchased by the minister at a price twice as high as that sold by the same firm in Serbia. "How...
One of the two strategic goals of the state for the last three decades we can archive and congratulate each other, with NATO membership our security is now guaranteed, we are now under an umbrella that protects one billion people and with this wind our back we are moving towards our second...
Political parties should submit list of candidates for the six electoral districts for the April 12 early parliamentary elections by March 12 at midnight, according to the timeline made public by the State Election Commission. As they are drafting list of candidates, the parties most likely will nominate both well-known...
Milososki hands over the “bombs” to Ruskovska as evidence in the “Racket” case VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Milososki handed over the audio recording and transcript of material he received from a "whistleblower" to prosecutor Wilma Ruskovska this morning. It is proof that the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev knew about the source of...
Facebook status posted by VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev: "Zaev and the outgoing government are spreading fake news, just like any hybrid regime would. Yesterday there was news that Nake Culev had resigned, but Nake didn't even know about it. Then came the second fake news through another “newsletter” on Bihac...
Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev's brother, Vice Zaev, addressed the public, following numerous false news stories about him and his family, which were published daily by VMRO-DPMNE in a campaign aimed at discrediting his brother and his family. “I publicly deny all these made up and fabricated allegations. Neither I,...
A team working to preserve the Balkan lynx from the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) on 12 February with the help of a cage trap caught another rare Balkan lynx in Bukovik, near Straza. As reported by MES, it is a healthy female, probably at the age of 2-3, weighing 15...
Nake's "resignation" is a reminder that news spread by SDSM should be taken with a grain of salt and one should be mindful of the party’s fake news method: aggression -> hysteria -> misery, warns political analyst Arsim Zekoli. He also sets out a timetable of SDSM’s strategy: Drop a...
The protective fence on the Skopje-Tetovo highway at the section of the Durmo Tours bus accident was in accordance with then-existing standards, with the exception of the screw used to attach parts of a lower quality, a civil engineering expert said at today's hearing on the Laskarci traffic accident. The...