Sunday, May 5, 2024
Obviously, criminality is the main link of the ruling SDSM and DUI in the Government, and the members of DUI and their First Deputy Prime Minister ArtanGrubi, instead of reacting nervously, should explain to the public how a counter worker in Grubi's family company became the owner of a...
Macedonia is sinking into crime and corruption. The legal system is collapsing in Macedonia. The government steals, and the people impoverish. It is not only the citizens who see it, it is already seen and noted by renowned world institutions, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Monday. “The international...
The "My Insurance" system works for all insured persons in the entire country, and due to technical adjustments, it will be fully operational by the end of the day, the Health Insurance Fund (HIF) informed on Monday. "Up to this point, the 'My Term' app has downloaded the data as...
While the people are impoverished, people close to government officials accumulate millions and properties, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Sunday. According to the largest opposition party, persons close to the informal prime minister of the government, Artan Grubi, are the best proof of this. Namely, Ermir Imami, an...
Two-thirds of the citizens do not believe that a fair and just trial can be obtained in the country, and nearly three-quarters are of the opinion that the law does not apply equally to everyone, according to the latest poll conducted for "Detektor" by the Institute for Political Research...
The territorial firefighting unit from Kochani localized and managed to completely extinguish the forest fire that broke out Sunday afternoon on the slopes of the Osogovo Mountains, ten kilometers from the city. About 20 hectares with spruce and low-stemmed plants were burned in the fire, and with the quick and...
Why do Macedonian citizens have the feeling that the law does not rule in Macedonia, but rather the political elites of the DUI government supported by the SDSM? We will get the answer to the question with a simple comparison of the rule of law index in 2015 and 2022,...
If they don’t get their January salaries on Monday, the health workers from the "Mother Teresa" Clinical Center announced that they will go on a protest on Wednesday. Does this created situation with the blocking of the HIF system reflect on the health of the citizens? The vice president...
The head of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Marko Bislimoski responded to the requests from the citizens for reintroducing the daytime cheap electricity tariff between 2 and 4 p.m., as it was before. “The daytime cheap electricity tariff might be reintroduced, but we would have to wait after the heating...
The disastrous policies of the DUI government supported by SDSM continue. Namely, commodity exchange with foreign countries, the coverage of imports with exports in 2022 is the lowest in the last eight years, according to the State Statistics Office. What are the import to export coverage figures? 2015 – 70.2% 2016 –...