Saturday, May 18, 2024
The high mortality rate of COVID-19 atients is due to the fact that they are treated for a long time outside the hospital and come late with poor parameters, and many of the deceased were cancer patients, with unregulated diabetes, heart disease, had multiple surgeries, said Minister of Health...
Health Minister Venko Filipche announced at Tuesday’s press conference that the vaccinated Macedonian nationals can travel anywhere in Europe by submitting a document that they have been vaccinated, i.e. they must submit their COVID vaccination certificate. “The decision made by the European Union is in our favor, ie our policy,...
The first group of Afghan civilians arrived at the Skopje International Airport Monday night on a Kam Air flight from Tbilisi, Georgia. The first woman off the plane was in her 39th week of pregnancy, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said. She was immediately taken to the Clinic for Gynecology...
Vaccination is ongoing at all points across the country, and field vaccination is also underway. A total of 722,578 citizens were vaccinated at the vaccination points in the country and in the field, as of yesterday. 9,240 citizens received their first dose of vaccine on Saturday and Sunday, and...
Because there are children with severe symptoms of COVID-19, in-person classes will be the cause of widespread transmission of the virus, warns civil activist Ana Gligorova on the FB online teaching group with over 15,000 members. "Unvaccinated, vaccinated, untreated, an even some of the recovered, can be reinfected with COVID-19....
Obviously, my candidacy has caused some turmoil in a certain structure, so due to the lack of ideas for a better and dignified life for our fellow citizens, they choose to use intrigue, slander and manipulation, said Danela Arsovska, the independent mayoral candidate for the city of Skopje in...
The deadline for collecting signatures for independent runs for mayors and councilors for the local elections scheduled for October 17 ends at midnight. For these elections there is great interest in collecting signatures for independent candidacies for several municipalities, including the capital Skopje. So far, the necessary signatures have been...
Two people aged 56 and 86 died due to COVID-19 complications in the past 24 hours in the Tetovo hospital, and all the patients who were hospitalized are on oxygen support. "We have a total of 116 hospitalized people and all of them are on oxygen support. Almost all of...
VMRO-DPMNE condemns the hate speech and misogyny of Shilegov's director, Galetanovski. We will inform all representatives of the international community at the same time. "Galetanovski's misogyny is inadmissible for a democratic society in the 21st century and is a reflection of Shilegov's fear of defeat. Galetanovski's panic and nervousness is...
Schools in Macedonia are reopening for 2021-2022 school year on September 1 for in-person learning, with the exception of Tetovo high schools where students will attend online classes in the next two weeks at the request of their mayor due to the spike in COVID-19 cases there. If the epidemiological...