Saturday, July 27, 2024
Out of 555 confirmed coronavirus cases in the country, 52 or 9.5 percent are healthcare workers. Unfortunately, there are many health workers that have been infected by coronavirus worldwide, as they have direct contact with patients. 34 of them are infected in hospitals and in outpatient clinics, Health Minister Venko Filipce said on...
The eleventh plane with medical equipment, technique and protective equipment landed at the Batajnica military airport near Belgrade this morning, which, according to the agreement between Serbian and Russian Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin, sent to Moscow to Serbia, MIA reports from Belgrade. "The assistance was delivered yesterday with six planes, and...
30 major cities in Turkey will be closed for entering or exiting in the next 15 days, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote on Twitter. - Isolation is most important, but violations are observed. It is therefore imperative to switch from voluntary to compulsory isolation. As of tonight, entry and exit to...
The COVID-19 pandemic could be contained by the summer if could be contained by summer if countries around the world come together to combat it, said Zhong Nanshan, Chinese government’s senior medical adviser. He warned that me countries do not treat the infectiousness and harmfulness seriously. “My advice is calling for all countries...
I would not like citizens to only watch Macedonian television, i.e. in accordance with the legal changes cable operators to abolish all channels for which they do not have copyright. That means viewers will not be able to watch the five national channels, but others in the region, according...
At least eight people were killed and 21 people were injured in Turkey‘s eastern city of Van after an earthquake struck in the Iran-Turkey border area, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said in Ankara. Rescue efforts continued in four villages in Van’s Baskale district, 180 kilometers from the border with...
The international agency monitoring terrorism funding (FATF) said it had added seven new countries to its "gray list" due to failures in the fight against terrorist financing and money laundering. These countries include Albania, Barbados, Jamaica, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Uganda. These countries have been ordered to take a series of legal and other...
Only one part of cocaine was seized, which was part of a large quantity of drugs with North Macedonia as its final destination, four men arrested, a financial investigation into a company where the drug was found and possible involvement of other people or companies – these are the results of Wednesday’s...
DUI offers full, absolute and unwavering endorsement to several key laws, including the laws on public prosecution, defense, and vetting, as well as to the Electoral Code text, drafted after a consensus was reached. “DUI expects elections to take place on April 12 and Parliament to dissolve by Sunday with...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan enjoys the greatest favor among the citizens of North Macedonia. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is second, and Russian President Vladimir Putin comes in third place.A poll conducted by Gallup International's BRIMA research agency, with 1,210 respondents face-to-face in the respondent's home, shows that 60...