Saturday, September 7, 2024
Macedonia remains at the top in the number of newly diagnosed cases of coronavirus, after 101 new cases of infection were registered in the country in the previous 24 hours, which is by far the most in the region. On Tuesday, when Macedonia reported 76 new cases with the corrected...
From damage in the amount of 509,907,569 denars through 94 crimes in 2015 to 9,315,337,006 denars damage to the budget through 122 crimes in 2019, show the parameters related to financial crime in the country. The cross-section shown in the graph covers the last two years of the rule of...
In the published ranking of the quality of mobile services in Europe at the state level by in the Top Topic section, our country is positioned in the high second place with 913 points just behind the Netherlands with 914 points, and is ahead of Austria (902) and Switzerland (899). Second best...
The Association of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia appeals for extensive consultation and intensification of the dialogue with the relevant institutions in order for the economic measures to have a positive effect on the real sector and to be realistically applicable. In times of health and economic crisis, companies are facing a challenge...
Macedonia is experiencing a catastrophic decline in budget revenues, and Finance Minister Nina Angelovska announced today that there is a large decline of almost 30 percent of revenues in the state treasury. She underlined that as of the end of May, budget revenue stands at Mden 12.7 billion, a 24%...
Poverty will deepen in Macedonia by the end of 2020, according to a World Bank report released in the Western Balkans on Friday, which shows that all countries in the region will experience the negative effects of coronavirus and more than 130,000 citizens in the country at the end...
The government will borrow another 38 million euros. Namely, on the official website of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, an auction of government securities in the amount of EUR 66 million was announced. Experts warn of the huge debt that this government is pursuing, especially due to...
The Police Union (PU) is asking the government to grant them the reward of 15,000 denars, i.e. to correct the last decision by which it rejected the proposal offered by Interim Interior Minister Nake Culev. According to the union, with its latest decision, the government has shown that it does...
Macedonia is the country that deals more poorly with the coronavirus crisis than the countries in the region, and beyond. The government did not take timely measures to deal with the consequences of the crisis, and the epilogue is 112 dead, 200 million euros in the budget hole in...
For the period August/September, the cancellation of tourist arrangements is massive, and there is a drastic decline in the number of tourists expected from abroad. Most tourism and catering companies will need at least six months to a year to recover if the coronavirus epidemic ends by the end...