Sunday, May 12, 2024
According to the data on the movement of prices on the HUPX stock exchange in Hungary during yesterday, the average hourly price of one megawatt hour of electricity (baseload) is 239.81 euros/mwh. The price of electricity during daytime hours (8 am -8 pm (peakload) reached a level of 276.94 euros...
Evidence of a crime prosecuted by the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption disappeared from the office, which was delivered personally to Skopje by representatives of the European Police Organization, reports "The evidence disappeared during the period when the PPO was without a leader and it was...
We do not intend to interfere in intra-party relations, but it is a bit paradoxical that the largest opposition party with which we worked together in the Parliament, and we see where the government has led us with borrowing, the highest inflation, there is also corruption. And now how...
U.S. Ambassador to N. Macedonia, Angela Aggeler, sharply criticizes the election of a new chief of the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption when asked to comment on the entire process and its epilogue. “We at the U.S. Embassy certainly find the results puzzling, especially after spending...
The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in the "Espresso with Zlatev and Bocevski" political show on Radio Leader, talking about the 2023 Draft Budget proposed by the SDSM-led Government, says that it is inflationary, and Macedonia has the highest inflation rate in history. “The Budget itself is inflationary, and we...
On Friday morning, the capital of N. Macedonia is at the top of the list of the most polluted cities in the world. Skopje is in the top five most polluted cities at the moment, while the city authorities literally do not lift a finger. The pollution in the capital...
Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski believes that the demands of the students who, through a protest and a march this week, demanded an improvement in the standard, are well founded. He calls both the Government and the opposition to meet their demands. “What I see, one of the leaders of the...
The "Parasites" scandal continues today in M-NAV. In addition to Fahrudin Hamidi and Vlado Krstevski, a salary of 3,000 euros per month is also paid to Midjen Salmani, member of the Board of Directors and executive director for financial affairs, for legal affairs, development and investments in M ​​NAV,...
MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Dragan Kovachki, in an interview with the “Only Truth” political show on Kanal 5 TV, says that the Ministry of Interior has not been able to find out for three weeks who is behind the fake bomb threats in high schools and is...
Milica Stojanovikj, as the responsible person of the company Chem Alliance, signs the contract with ESM certified on October 20 worth 632 thousand euros. Her husband is Nebojsa Stojanovikj, director of TEC Negotino. REC Bitola says that there is no conflict of interest and that a statement was even...