Monday, September 16, 2024
Police officers found 55 migrants early on Saturday at a local road near the Strumica village of Tri Vodi. According to the Ministry of Interior, the migrants were transported in an Iveco truck with no license plates. The truck driver fled the scene together with the migrants after spotting the...
The new government led by VMRO-DPMNE will put particular focus on the justice system and the fight against corruption. The judiciary will be completely freed from the executive. We will implement policies to clean up the conflict of interest in the judiciary, the present nepotism, partisanship and cronyism. Candidates...
The "Talir" case continued on Wednesday in the Basic Criminal Court in Skopje with the testimony of Siljan Micevski at the suggestion of Prosecutor Lenche Ristoska, who after admitting that the businessman financed the campaigns of the ruling party will have to take further steps. Micevski was expected to be...
The position of public prosecutor is incompatible with holding another public position or with membership in a certain political party, said the newly elected head of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption Islam Abazi, asked regarding his closeness with the leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti. ,...
Ecclesiastical matters must not be the subject of discussion of the mixed historical commission. The Ohrid Archdiocese has a clear and confirmed history of its creation, says the president of the commission for relations between religious communities Darijan Sotirovski, after the announcements that Vancho Georgiev and the members of...
Unfortunately, Macedonia has been enslaved many times in its centuries-old history, but fortunately, mother Macedonia gave birth to sons who always liberated her, said Aleksandar Pandov, head of the VMRO-DPMNE Patriot Institute at an event in Prilep on Victory Day who with a minute of silence paid tribute to...
We have been developing the country internationally for four years, we are developing the municipalities domestically, we are improving the quality of life and the living standard is growing, we have set the municipalities, the state together in the right direction, we have finally moved forward, we are moving...
High-ranking Macedonian officials and members of the Ministry of Interior are involved in drug trafficking, the Albanian TV Ora News announces in its report entitled "Audio recordings that worried Trajce Zaev..." As the television announced on Monday evening, it is a scandal in which high-ranking representatives of the government in...
When it comes to the Constitution, let's look at things, not through the prism of party interest, but as they stand from a legal and procedural point of view, and then I will give you an answer and what is the position of VMRO-DPMNE, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE...
The hypocrisy of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski towards the citizens reflects his entire rule, namely he adopted a measure that even the Government does not respect, while presenting himself as a savior in a situation where he allowed everything to become more expensive in Macedonia, said VMRO-DPMNE on Sunday. "Kovachevski...